Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Famous Creative Thinkers in the World Essay Example for Free

Well known Creative Thinkers in the World Essay It is said that there is significance in everyone, and it just requires the ideal spot and time to blast out and favor the world. This planet has been honored to have astonishing individuals stroll among us, and they have upset the manner in which individuals saw certain belief systems. Jesus Christ, Leonardo Da Vinci, Martin Luther King, Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire, just to make reference to a couple are authorize to have left an imprint in this world. With none professing to be any unique than some other man, they stood apart to make this world a progressively agreeable spot to live in during their time. Quentin Tarantino, a movie chief, entertainer, maker and screenwriter is one of the incredible men that the 21st century has been honored to have. With an inventive, imaginative and ever dazzling works, Quentin has become a figure in the public arena that numerous individuals can gaze upward to. His movies are normally portrayed by non-direct storylines, a glorification of viciousness and a mocking topic that in many occasions brings about a presentation of neo-noir attributes. His innovative virtuoso by the utilization of blend and match classification just as a mixture of music and the transforming of old works and making them new and better are his principle attributes that characterize him. Quentin’s works have consistently had notably better than the rest since they try to contribute to a great extent to the general public all in all. Regardless of whether in instructing, reminding or engaging the general public, Quentin has had film sweethearts at the edge of their seats and thusly, he has gotten grants for the equivalent. Quentin has engaging films like Pulp Fiction (1994) that is viewed as one of the best if not the best film delivered ever and Django Unchained that looks to recount to the tale of subjection. Motion pictures with stories that help people to remember their past, or those that cause them to disregard the day by day bothers of life have gathered him accomplishment just as wellbeing, in spite of the fact that without a lot of issues. For instance, creation of a subjection film was at first not supported by possible crowds, and it got serious analysis despite the fact that it came about to his most noteworthy earning film ever. Then again, different motion pictures are reprimanded as having an excessive amount of brutality which is for the most part in his line of imagination. The answers for these issues were fundamentally making motion pictures that are engaging and educative, that forget about the ruthlessness of the occasions that the films depend on. The second is that the activity films he coordinates or delivers are made for the pleasure in the whole family, without indecent language and in some cases unbelievable cleverness. For an innovative mastermind, deterrents are an every day schedule since deduction outside the notorious box is typical. For Quentin, research is the underlying advance towards a fearless imaginative reasoning procedure. This implies a great deal of perusing and examinations of various contents and various prospects. Tarantino’s inventive reasoning procedure rotates around all issues that appear to be sensible and worth putting resources into, advancing philosophies and elevating gifted scriptwriters. Despite the fact that he is credited to having outrage issues, his motion pictures can't be changed any better without denying the crowd their expected reason. For instance, Django Unchained was intended to instruct and help the American to remember the past that they are excessively embarrassed about to recollect. His works fit consummately in the 21st century film making field where innovativeness and the ‘anything goes’ disposition is prime. Having been an eager f ilm fan, a prepared entertainer, film investigate and a speculator, Tarantino has kept on extending the two his insight and aptitude in the film world. The time of registering has reformed the 21st century and the world has improved as a spot with PCs. The period of PCs, as this century is normally alluded to have encountered significant impact in all ventures that have decided to embrace the innovation. Beauty Murray Hopper (nicknamed ‘amazing Grace’), an American PC researcher just as the United States naval force back chief of naval operations had eminent commitments to the universe of innovation and present day fighting. She is among the pioneer software engineers of Harvard Mark one PC, and she built up the primary compiler for a PC programming language. This was her first most noteworthy commitment to society. She is additionally eminent for advocating the term ‘debugging’ as a term for fixing PC glitches. It is presumably a result of her feeling of enthusiasm that she elected to join World War II, and she was sworn into the Navy hold where she increased an exception to enroll on the grounds that she was underweight. This was among the primary obstacles in her profession, yet what she didn't have in physical traits; she more than compensated for them in minds. All through her profession in both industry and the scholarly community, Hopper was a specialist for the United States Naval Reserve just as a speaker there. She held a few posts in administration through her profession both outside the Navy and furthermore inside the Navy. Her specialized and showcasing abilities end up being of incredible use to her as she likewise exhibited eminent political and general business intuition. The significant obstacles that she needed to defeat were the PC bugs that she was chipping away at while in Harvard. Be that as it may, working close by splendid personalities, she co-composed a few papers on PCs. By the excellence of tolerance and steadiness, Hopper had the option to handle a considerable lot of the issues she looked without anyone else, yet in a few, she got the help of individual brilliants. She is said to have never diverted down a smart thought from anybody paying little heed to their position in the military of in the lab. By being associated with the fruitful programming of Mark I through III PCs, she was granted the Naval Ordnance Development Award. Nothing could have been done any unique at that point, and up to this point, the Mark PCs are as yet imposing in the market. With the time of processing, Hopper’s works fitted consummately with her time, and her advancements stay an important commitment to individuals. By being engaged with the university’s scholarly program, Hopper had the option to learn and keep on exceeding expectations in her field of study and ability. Up until her retirement, she was a speaker and an academician whose commitments were noted and exceptionally respected. Until her demise in 1992, Hopper stayed an important resource for the United States Navy, Harvard and the World on the loose. For that, the USS Hopper (DDG-70) Navy Destroyer and the Cray XE6 â€Å"Hopper† supercomputer were named after her in the United States Navy and NERSC individually. References Back Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, USN. (2012, March 4). Life story Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, USN. Recovered May 28, 2014, from http://www.history.navy.mil/profiles/hopper_grace.htm Everything Tarantino. (2014, May 27). Everything Tarantino. Recovered May 31, 2014, from http://www.everythingtarantino.com/ Elegance Hopper Biography. (2010, May 12). Bio.com. Recovered May 31, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/individuals/effortlessness container 21406809#awesm=~oFPA4E99lVVRqY Quentin Tarantino Biography. (2013, September 27). Bio.com. Recovered May 31, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/individuals/quentin-tarantino-9502086#awesm=~oFPAGvRhIMAhpw Source record

Saturday, August 22, 2020

DQ Questions 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DQ Questions 4 - Essay Example My emphasis would be on normal stock (Bragg, 2011). Weighted normal expense of capital is the cost dependent on relative noteworthiness of each wellspring of capital. It is the result of the rate commitment of each wellspring of capital and rate cost of each source. It thusly comprises of obligation, favored stock, normal stock, and their rate commitment, and expenses. It is increasingly fitting in capital planning since it gives exact normal qualities for every unit capital that it gets from the various sources. WACC advises associations towards ideal cost regarding long haul capital through recognizing unit costs (Bragg, 2011). Introductory Public Offer characterizes an underlying dispatch of a company’s shares, in the securities exchange, to people in general. The contribution organization benefits its offer for buy as an end-result of cost of the stock. This permits an association to develop monetarily on the grounds that it makes money inflow without material money outpouring from the contribution organization. Merger and procurement is a progressively fitting approach to develop when development possibilities reach out past accounts to incorporate skill, advertise control, and property, among different assets (Bragg,

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Smell of Rain

The Smell of Rain A cold March wind danced around the dead of night in Dallas as the Doctor walked into the small hospital room of Diana Blessing. Still groggy from surgery, her husband David held her hand as they braced themselves for the latest news. That afternoon of March 10,1991, complications had forced Diana, only 24 weeks pregnant, to Danae Lu Blessing.At 12 inches long and weighing only one pound and nine ounces, they already knew she was perilously premature. Still, the doctors soft words dropped like bombs. I dont think shes going to make it, he said, as kindly as he could. Theres only a 10 percent chance she will live through the night, and even then, if by some slim chance she does make it, her future could be a very cruel one. Numb with disbelief, David and Diana listened as the doctor described the devastating problems Danae would likely face if she survived. She would never walk, she would never talk, she would probably be blind, and she would certainly be prone to other catastrophic c onditions from cerebral palsy to complete mental retardation, and on and on. No! No! was all Diana could say. She and David, with their 5-year-old son Dustin, had long dreamed of the day they would have a daughter to become a family of four. Now, within a matter of hours, that dream was slipping away.Through the dark hours of morning as Danae held onto life by the thinnest thread, Diana slipped in and out of sleep, growing more and more determined that their tiny daughter would live, and live to be a healthy, happy young girl. But David, fully awake and listening to additional dire details of their daughters chances of ever leaving the hospital alive, much less healthy, knew he must confront his wife with the inevitable. David walked in and said that we needed to talk about making funeral arrangements. Diana remembers, I felt so bad for him because he was doing everything, trying to include me in what was going on, but I just wouldnt listen, I couldnt listen. I said, No, that is not going to happen, no way! I dont care what the doctors say; Danae is not going to die! One day she will be just fine, and she will be coming home with us! As if willed to live by Dianas determination, Danae clung to life hour after hour, with the help of every medical machine and marvel her miniature body could endure. But as those first days passed, a new agony set in for David and Diana. Because Danaes under-developed nervous system was essentially raw, the lightest kiss or caress only intensified her discomfort, so they couldnt even cradle their tiny baby girl against their chests to offer the strength of their love. All they could do, as Danae struggled alone beneath the ultraviolet light in the tangle of tubes and wires, was to pray that God would stay close to their precious little girl. There was never a moment when Danae suddenly grew stronger.But as the weeks went by, she did slowly gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of strength there. At last, when Danae turned two months old, her parents were able to hold her in their arms for the very first time. And two months later-though doctors continued to gently but grimly warn that her chances of surviving, much less living any kind of normal life, were next to zero. Danae went home from the hospital, just as her mother had predicted.Today, five years later, Danae is a petite but feisty young girl with glittering gray eyes and an unquenchable zest for life. She shows no signs, what so ever, of any mental or physical impairment. Simply, she is everything a little girl can be and more-but that happy ending is far from the end of her story.One blistering afternoon in the summer of 1996 near her home in Irving, Texas, Danae was sitting in her mothers lap in the bleachers of a local ballpark where her brother Dustins baseball team was practicing. As always, Danae was chattering non-stop with her mother and several other adults sitting nearby when she suddenly fell silent. Hugging her arms across her chest , Danae asked, Do you smell that? Smelling the air and detecting the approach of a thunderstorm, Diana replied, Yes, it smells like rain. Danae closed her eyes and again asked, Do you smell that? Once again, her mother replied, Yes, I think were about to get wet, it smells like rain. Still caught in the moment, Danae shook her head, patted her thin shoulders with her small hands and loudly announced, No, it smells like Him. It smells like God when you lay your head on His chest. Tears blurred Dianas eyes as Danae then happily hopped down to play with the other children.Before the rains came, her daughters words confirmed what Diana and all the members of the extended Blessing family had known, at least in their hearts, all along. During those long days and nights of her first two months of her life, when her nerves were too sensitive for them to touch her, God was holding Danae on His chest and it is His loving scent that she remembers so well.This is a real story.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Impact Of The Atlantic Slave Trade Influence Europe...

Labor exploitation was the key for the effectiveness of european expansion in the new world and define slavery as a principal component for global capitalism until it was not longer profitable. The atlantic slave trade influence europe economic growth and market development to rapidly spread through the atlantic trade. It was a intense dependence on the triangular trade that made merchants made big profits at the expense of the exploited labour abroad. Merchants were involved in all three sides of the triangle trade that allowed the transportation of slaves from Europe to Africa where goods were traded for slaves and then those slaves were brought to the Americas for the cultivation food crops and other raw materials; these later were brought back to Europe, Africa and the Americas to be sold. Resistance and revolts against the trade of slave was stronger in African areas where european demographic power was lower but â€Å"It was not until 1780s that increasing european along the west of africa coast finally drove up the price of slaves† and the overproduction of sugar in the caribbean and other raw materials lead the fall in the selling price of these products (shillington p181) european nations began to question whether the trade was still profitable or not. Britain was the first to completely abolished slavery in 1834 when manufactures found european labor in factories more efficient and less expensive than plantations. It was follow for the french colonies 1848, Cuba inShow MoreRelatedThe World s First And Second Century Essay1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe slave trade was, and still is, the most brutal and inhumane exploitation of any human race and considered one of the greatest crimes against humanity. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

Social Media and Society Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Despite its contribution to society, it is evident that social media erode skills. It has led to the loss of some social practices. For example, it is apparent that face-to-face interactions have become extinct because of the extensive use of social media (The Negative Effects of Social Media 2). Many people prefer communicating with their friends through Twitter and Facebook to meeting physically. This practice is in connection with the minimization of costs associated with the movement as well as time for doing other things. Some social practices such as meeting physically for sporting activities have decreased significantly. Unlike in the past, many children today do not participate in sporting activities. Communication skill of most people has also been lost because of relying on social media in doing almost everything in life. This assertion is evidenced by how people fail to respond to people talking to them when engaged in a chat or a follow-up story on a social media site. T he loss of face-to-face communication is also evidenced in many family gatherings in which almost every person interacts with his or her phone instead of talking directly with relatives. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media and Society or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page In addition to this, too much time spent on social media has been associated with the poor performance of children in schools. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter impair with the students concentration to their academics. Loss of productivity in many organizations is also as a result of the overuse of social media.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Legal Strikes and Illegal Strikes Under Labor Law Free Essays

Q1. Legal strikes and illegal strikes are dramatically different in terms of how they are viewed in Labour Law. Discuss. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Strikes and Illegal Strikes Under Labor Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now (5 marks) Section 1 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 defines â€Å"a strike as a cessation of work, a refusal to work or to continue to work by employees in combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding, or a slow-down or other concerted activity on the part of employees designed to restrict or limit output†. According to the â€Å"Labour Relations Act, 1995† the strikes are legal only if some preconditions are met such as the collective agreement must have expired, a strike vote must have been held and 50% of the members are in favour of the strike, and a conciliation officer must have been appointed. All the employees covered under Labour Relations Act, 1995 are not lawfully permitted to strike e. g. ospitals, and nursing homes and Toronto Transit Commission do not have the right to strike. Some departments like fire fighters and police are not subject to the above-discussed law and have their own legislations. If a union is not adhering the law the strike can be charged as illegal and the participants are subject to discipline. The employer can request the board for cease immediately and if the orders are disobeyed, court injunction can occur. The breech of court orders can result in fines and jail sentences and employers can also sue the individuals or unions for the damages. The union leaders can be charged and held responsible for the consequences of the strike. Considering the differences of legal and illegal strike, as defined above by law, it can be argued that legal strikes and illegal strikes are dramatically different in terms of how they are viewed in Labour Law. Question 2: How should Bob begin to address this situation? (5 marks) Bob Graham a newly appointed Labour Relation Manager has been directed by the management to get rid of the chief union steward Peter who is known for absenteeism (missed over 100 shifts), coming late to work (53 times), do not advise his supervisor about being absent (25 occasions), low performance at work, breath smells of alcohol on a regular basis (serious infraction), unpredictable mood swings and disruptive behavior to entire workforce. The complaints have been made by the employees to the management about Peter’s bsenteeism, attitude and performance but all in vain. Employees who habitually absent from work or come late are subject to discipline. Absenteeism in the plant averages six shifts a year whereas, Peter has missed one hundred shifts which is way more than the plant average therefore should be subject to discipline with a series of warnings and ultimately should be discharged. Although there are several concrete evidences and complaints about Peter’s misco nduct at the workplace, his disciplinary record is clear. The reason for this, described in the case study, is very obvious, management views Peter as someone to fear, as the company occurred a hefty financial loss as a result of a successful illegal strike lead by him. Bob is in a very critical position as he is new to the organization and that there is no record of Peter’s misconduct at the workplace. He has not been issued any verbal or written warnings. Therefore he should be very careful in whatever actions he take against Peter. He should start an official, fair and objective investigation against Peter and should involve other senior management members too. The major issue faced by Bob is that apart from the clear evidences of Peter’s misconduct in the workplace there are no disciplinary reports against him. Bob should first develop a relationship of trust with the employees in the organization as a credible HR manager. Bod in normal situation would consult union steward and Peter’s immediate supervisor to discuss the issue. As Peter is the union steward, it can be hard for him to involve union effectively. Therefore he should keep the evidences like his attendance, his behavior with others and should conduct interviews with the employees who have been complaining about his behavior and have substantial amount of documentary evidences by taking as many witnesses as possible. Because Peter is the chief steward of the union and has been occurring substantial financial losses to the company, it is worth hiring a third party to do the investigation for Bob. After he is collected concrete evidence against him, he should conduct an interview with Peter in the presence of another senior management member and address the issues. Peter should be given verbal warning followed by the written warnings. He can repeat the written warnings if required so that the disciplinary action can be escalated to the next level. If Peter finally does not correct his behavior, which most likely seems to be the case, he should be suspended without pay fro 1 to 5 days. After that if he still does not change his behavior, he is subject to be terminated with cause. Question 3: If Peter is discharged, what arguments would the company lawyer use at arbitration? (10 marks) If the management decides to discharge Peter, he using his power will take the disciplinary action to attribution where the union will try to show that management did not have cause to the disciplinary action against Peter. Company lawyer in this case should have real evidences against peter so that management can attempt to prove how the action taken was crucial for business. Peter committed some serious offences like drinking at the workplace and the clear disciplinary record the he has â€Å"irreparably damaged the employment relationship with the employer† (Module 5). The contract between an employee and employer, which says that employee will carry out tasks according to the directions given and would adhere the established standards personally and professionally in return of the payment he gets from employer. The lawyer should talk about management rights in collective agreement, which outlines that the management has the right to fire the employees who are subject to discipline and poor performance to run the business smoothly. The lawyer should provide the substantial documentations Bob prepared while investigation and warning stage. The lawyer should also emphasize if discipline is a required function on the management’s mandate to preserve stability in the workplace. Talking within the context of discipline the argument should be made by the lawyer about how Peter’s absenteeism significantly and progressively exceeded the plant average and that the behavior was not altered by him after a series of communication with him in making an effort to close the gap between his performance and the established standards of the organizations. While highlighting the causes of discharge such as, 100 missed shifts, 53 late arrivals and 25 occasions of not advising the supervisor of his absence, the argument should also be made about as to how Peter was able to influence management using his power not to make a report on his disciplinary record. Considering his involvement in the serious infractions such as drinking at the workplace and harassing the co-workers psychologically it can be argued that his actions did not meet the mandatory standards established by the organization. No formal apology by Peter to the management can also be a significant argument for the company lawyer. As defined in module 5 â€Å"Discipline can include termination with cause for serious infractions or infractions which have followed lengthy disciplinary records†, Peter is subject to both which provides a logical cause to the action taken against him. Q 4. What arguments would the union lawyer make in response? (10 marks) The work record, seniority, age, re-employability, company rules, duty to accommodate, the economic climate and his reputation as a union leader will be the key arguments by the union lawyer in response to the company lawyer. Peter’s seniority and clean disciplinary record suggests that the union lawyer has a strong argument to make. Peter’s length of service with the company would provide the union lawyer an edge over the company lawyer as in the union-represented workplaces senior employees have significant rights and seniority derives almost all of the decisions to reduce bias. Peter’s seniority is complemented with the clean disciplinary record over the period of his job that puts the union lawyer in a strong position. Peter’s age and economic conditions in the industry he works in provide a strong argument. According to the case study â€Å"Peter Frost is a 52 year old maintenance mechanic with 25 years service in a construction materials plant in western Mississauga†. According to the statistic provided on bureau of labour website the maintenance mechanics’ jobs are subject to change frequently and adaption to new sophisticated machinery is crucial. The increased automation and new computer controlled machines in the plants can result in less demand for old workers who got their training years back and were unable to update their skills. Peter perfectly fits in this scenario, as he is working in the industry for a long time and doesn’t seem like he as been going for new training considering his attitude to work. Therefore his re-employability is an issue considering the external environment of the industry. The fact that Peter is a known union leader for conducting successful illegal strikes can also affect his re-employability. Company rules also put the union lawyer in a favorable position. The clean disciplinary record of Peter advocates that the organization does not have the history of enforcement of disciplinary actions, the past practices and the publication of rules is poor. If the disciplinary rules and procedures were in place and were practiced the management would have been warned Peter of infractions as they occurred, and also the â€Å"Discipline in the labour relations field is foremost rehabilitative rather than punitive†(Module 4). If Peter admits he is addict to alcohol the company has the duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights Code. It can be logically argued on this base that peter’s addiction is a disease/ disability and he is covered under the terms of the Duty to Accommodate provisions of the Code (Module 5). Question 5: What criteria would an arbitrator use to decide the case and what decision would likely be made? (20 marks) In this discharge case the arbitrator has the ultimate right to support the discharge of Peter, dismiss his discharge or adjust the discipline to something less than a discharge for example an extended suspension without pay. In situations like this, it is usually up to the company and union lawyers as to how they present and support the information they provide to the arbitrator. However the decisions made by arbitrator in the past and set examples are also the majour contributors in the decisions made by an arbitrator (Module 5). The literature about the previous cases reveals that an arbitrator typically considers the severity of infraction, the work record, seniority, age, re-employability of the employee and the company rules, duty to accommodate, the economic climate before making any decisions. In this case both the union lawyer and the company lawyer have provided some logical arguments to defend them, which makes it very difficult to predict what decision the arbitrator would most likely to make. The comparison of both parties’ arguments and the past decisions of the arbitrators would help to anticipate the decision the arbitrator would make about Peter’s discharge case. The company lawyer made a solid argument about the seriousness of the offences made by Peter such as drinking at the workplace. Where as the union lawyer made a logical argument to defend peter, he highlighted that if Peter admits that he is alcoholic or drug addict which is considered to be a disease and a disease is a disability the employer considering the Duty to Accommodate Provisions of the Code is bound to accommodate Peter through appropriate means rather than discharge. The company lawyer made an argument about peters progressive absenteeism and poor performance over the period of 4 years. Talking within the context of discipline the argument was made by the lawyer about how Peter’s absenteeism significantly and progressively exceeded the plant average and the gap between his performance and the established standards of the organizations. Peter’s seniority is complemented with the clean disciplinary record over the period of his job was highlighted by the union lawyer in response. The absence of any disciplinary charges on Peter’s record provided the union lawyer an edge over the company lawyer. The lawyer argued about management rights in collective agreement, which says that management has the right to fire the employees who are subject to discipline and poor performance to run the business smoothly. The union lawyer raised an issue of company rules he argued that the clean disciplinary record of Peter advocates that the organization does not have the history of enforcement of disciplinary actions, the past practices and the publication of rules is poor. The lack of communication history between Peter and the management in the previous years did put the company lawyer in an awkward position, as the discipline in the labour relations field is primarily rehabilitative and not punitive. The company lawyer talked about how Peter’s behavior was interfering with other employees but the evidences did not back that as his record was clear and there was a not substantial document available from previous years. The union lawyer in this case seems to have an upper hand over the company lawyer as he argued about Peter’s seniority, age, re-employability the economic condition, the external environment of the industry which are the majour issued the arbitrator would consider while making the decision. The union lawyer had thoroughly researched the criteria the arbitrators use to make decision and has made argument about how the charges against peter are not well supported by the evidences. Arbitrators made the decisions based on the evidences provided by the both parties. The examples of the documentation could be the documentations, videos and witnesses. The lack of these evidences from the company lawyer suggests that Peter is most like to get away with the situation and the decision might be made in his favour than the company. Q 6. How does the situation change if Peter admits he is an alcoholic? (10 marks) If peter admits he is an alcoholic he would have an upper hand over the company. According to the Ontario Human Rights Code the employer has the duty to accommodate the employees who have disabilities. The union lawyer can make a logical argument to defend peter if he admits that he is alcoholic or drug addict which is considered to be a disease and a disease is a disability therefore considering the Duty to Accommodate Provisions of the Code employer is bound to accommodate Peter through appropriate means rather than discharge (Module 5). According to the interpretation of the act the organization must establish that Peter’s disability (consuming alcohol while working) interferes with the rights of other co-workers. The clear disciplinary record of Peter over the length of his job makes it difficult to prove that his behavior has been seriously interfering the right s of other employees. The code says that the employers should accommodate the minor interference or inconveniences if the employee take initiative and request for accommodation. If peter explains why he is asking for accommodation the company is obliged to asses the need of accommodation based on the needs of Peter’s colleagues. Peter however is required to apply for the accommodation in writing providing enough time for employer to respond and the company is required to response within reasonable time. If Peter is flexible and realistic the company should considers alternatives than discharge Peter as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Code. According to the case study, there are â€Å"persistent rumours from other employees and supervisors that Peter’s breath smells of alcohol on a regular basis† however there is no evidence of that as his disciplinary record is clear. This puts Peter in a good position to request for the accommodation from employer as the law allows him to do so. Therefore based on the evidences discussed above it can be logically argued that if Peter, in accordance with law, admits that he is an alcoholic it is very likely that he will take advantage of the law as he is an experiences union steward. References: http://www. bls. gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/industrial-machinery-mechanics-and-maintenance-workers. htm#tab-6 ——————————————– [ 1 ]. http://www. labour. gov. on. ca/english/lr/faqs/lr_faq3. php#what1 How to cite Legal Strikes and Illegal Strikes Under Labor Law, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Testing of life expectancy Would you want to know

Introduction Throughout the internet, there are numerous websites claiming to have softwares where people upon entering some personal information, they are informed with accuracy their life expectancy. The apparent accuracy of these tests is inadmissible and most of those people who take them rarely believe what they are told.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Testing of life expectancy: Would you want to know? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because different softwares produce varied results making it difficult even for the most ardent believers of these frauds to swallow what they see. While most of the online tests are frauds with little credibility, there could actually be a new way to determine people’s life expectancy. Scientists in the UK may be able to tell how long one will live through a special blood test that will involve study of a person’s genetic make up. Most of the people who participate on the online tests will find this interesting because of the level of scientific involvement and the increased interaction with those that are offering the test. The fact that these scientists are ready to roll out the service in the market shows that they are convinced that it is credible and that they are ready to shoulder any legal challenges and are ready to prove scientifically that their method works. The question however is whether people will be willing to take the test or not. I would not want to have the test Before a person takes this test, a number of factors come to play. When carefully analyzed, the demerits outweigh the merits that should discourage any person of sound mind from taking the test. Validity of the test, the financial aspect, and the mental preparedness of such an undertaking will discourage me from taking the test. The reasons for not taking the test are tackled below in detail. Validity of the test and financial aspect The test seeks to an alyze a person’s status of telomeres, to determine the speed of aging. The wisdom behind this is that the shorter the telomeres, the faster someone will age.Advertising Looking for essay on aging? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since old age is generally associated with end of life, these scientists reckon they can use statistics like the prevailing life expectancy of a person’s region to calculate the number of years he/she will live. What they do not tell people is that this test will only test the biological age of a person. While biological age may have some correlation with chronological age, it is not in entirety an accurate way to determine how long a person will leave. To be fair, this test takes a ceteris paribus approach to chronological age. While it is possible for one’s biological age to be over a hundred, chronological age is subject to many factors like accidents that can easily take a pers on’s life at any age. Unless they include the element of other factors that cause death and are beyond human control, its will be a mere waste of time to take the test. All the above comes at a staggering figure of an equivalent of $700, a figure way beyond what many of those that will want to take the test. As it is, there are currently many tests that are available and that take into account many factors beyond biological age with somewhat accurate results of life expectancy. Well, assuming the test is to some extent accurate and one’s life expectancy is ascertained, its will be a source of personal problems like emotional breakdowns that may prove difficult to handle. Emotional breakdown Given that this test is backed by some scientific prove, some people are likely to take the results in their entirety. Human beings have for along time thrived in mystery and ignorance. The mystery that surrounds death and the lack of knowledge on how it is caused and when it will h appen has spared many people a lot of agony. Knowledge of a person’s date or apparent date of death is likely to plunge some people into a state of emotional distress that is brought about by denial, fear, and apprehension.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Testing of life expectancy: Would you want to know? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is safe to assume that not many people can face the certainty of death in their sober state of minds. This alone is reason enough for one not to take the test because clearly the benefits of knowing your date of death are less those of not knowing. Conclusion There will be a lot of pros and cons about the life expectancy tests. The decision however lies with any individual that is interested. Whatever it is, the bottom line remains that this test will do more harm than good. This essay on Testing of life expectancy: Would you want to know? was written and submitted by user Lee Perry to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Free Essays on The Taliban

The white mountains of Afghanistan are beautiful this time of year. Snow blankets the peaks from Kabul to the Khyber Pass, smothering the ancient smugglers' footpaths that lead out of the country and into Pakistan. With the arrival of winter, human traffic in the mountains comes to a halt and the terrain is enveloped in an otherworldly calm. Last week the hush was shattered by the blasts of hundreds of American bombs, the rattle of Kalashnikovs and the roar of tanks and pickup trucks carrying about 1,000 anti-Taliban soldiers into the Tora Bora cave complex to deliver a final reckoning to Osama bin Laden. The Afghans crept through the valleys and into the caves in the wake of U.S. air strikes, hoping to nab enemy militants as they tried to scramble to higher ground. But things did not proceed quite as planned. On Thursday, 60 fighters ventured past a front line near the village of Melawa and took up positions on a hill that offered a clear line of fire. Moments later al-Qaeda snipers protecting bin Laden began firing from a crest above. Six men were gravely wounded. The hunters evacuated the injured, then beat a retreat, done for the day. "We were thinking we'd be bold and courageous," said one. "They were waiting for us." For the Taliban, for Osama bin Laden and his dwindling legion of lieutenants, Tora Bora is the last sanctuary. The Taliban's barbaric and medieval rule unraveled for good last week as the regime's soldiers fled ... Free Essays on The Taliban Free Essays on The Taliban The white mountains of Afghanistan are beautiful this time of year. Snow blankets the peaks from Kabul to the Khyber Pass, smothering the ancient smugglers' footpaths that lead out of the country and into Pakistan. With the arrival of winter, human traffic in the mountains comes to a halt and the terrain is enveloped in an otherworldly calm. Last week the hush was shattered by the blasts of hundreds of American bombs, the rattle of Kalashnikovs and the roar of tanks and pickup trucks carrying about 1,000 anti-Taliban soldiers into the Tora Bora cave complex to deliver a final reckoning to Osama bin Laden. The Afghans crept through the valleys and into the caves in the wake of U.S. air strikes, hoping to nab enemy militants as they tried to scramble to higher ground. But things did not proceed quite as planned. On Thursday, 60 fighters ventured past a front line near the village of Melawa and took up positions on a hill that offered a clear line of fire. Moments later al-Qaeda snipers protecting bin Laden began firing from a crest above. Six men were gravely wounded. The hunters evacuated the injured, then beat a retreat, done for the day. "We were thinking we'd be bold and courageous," said one. "They were waiting for us." For the Taliban, for Osama bin Laden and his dwindling legion of lieutenants, Tora Bora is the last sanctuary. The Taliban's barbaric and medieval rule unraveled for good last week as the regime's soldiers fled ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Top Conservative Celebrities in Hollywood

Top Conservative Celebrities in Hollywood For just about as long as anyone can remember, liberalism has been the political ideology of choice in Hollywood. But that is slowly beginning to change. Conservative Celebrities Below is a list of Tinseltown celebs who make no bones about their conservative commitments. Some youll know. Others might surprise you. Either way, enjoy and know that if youre a conservative, youre not alone (even though it might feel like it sometimes)! Trace Adkins: Country Music Singer TV PersonalityDanny Aiello: Film ActorAdam Baldwin: TV ActorStephen Baldwin: Actor, Radio PersonalityMichael Bay: Big Budget DirectorPat Boone: Singer, SongwriterWilfred Brimley: Commercial Actor Star of CocoonJerry Bruckheimer: TV Film ProducerJames Caan: Legendary Film ActorDrew Carey: Game Show Host Former TV StarAdam Carolla: Former Host of The Mans ShowTom Clancy: Espionage and Military Science AuthorJon Cryer: Notable Film TV ActorRobert Davi: TV Film ActorBo Derek: Model, Film Television ActressDale Earnhardt Jr.: American Race Car DriverClint Eastwood: Academy Award Winning Film Actor DirectorJohn Elway: Hall of Fame Quarterback Super Bowl MVP with the Denver BroncosSara Evans: Country Music SingerLou Ferrigno: TV Actor (Star of The Incredible Hulk King of Queens Guest Star)Mel Gibson: Film Actor Academy Award-Winning DirectorKelsey Grammer: TV Film Actor, Star of TVs Long-Running Series, FrasierRick Harrison: TV Host of Pawn Sta rs Angie Harmon: TV Film Actor, Star of TVs Law OrderElizabeth Hasslebeck: Former Survivor Contestant Co-Host of The ViewDennis Hopper: Actor, Director Two-Time Academy Award NomineePatricia Heaton: TV Actor, Female Lead in TVs Everybody Loves RaymondNaomi Judd: Country Music Singer, Actress AuthorLorenzo Lamas: TV ActorHeather Locklear: TV Film ActressSusan Lucci: Emmy Award-Winning Actress Soap StarDennis Miller: Actor, Stand-Up Comedian Political CommentatorChuck Norris: Legendary TV ActorTed Nugent: Legendary Musician, SpeakerSarah Palin: Reality TV StarRichard Petty: Seven-time NASCAR ChampionJohnny Ramone (John Cummings), Legendary Musician, Founder of ​The RamonesJohn Ratzenberger: TV Actor, Voice-Over PersonalityRobert James Kid Rock Ritchie: Singer, Song Writer RapperRobertson Family: Duck Dynasty Reality TV StarsAdam Sandler: Legendary Stand-Up Comedian, Saturday Night Live Alum Hollywood Film StarPat Sajak: Wheel of Fortune Game Show Host Political Columnist Curt Schilling: World Series Champion Former Phillies, Diamondbacks Red Sox PitcherNick Searcy: TV and Film ActorTom Selleck: TV Film ActorRon Silver: TV Film ActorJessica Simpson: Singer, Actress TV PersonalityGary Sinise: Academy Award Nominated Film Actor TV StarSylvester Stallone: Producer, Director, Writer Legendary Film Actor, Star of Rocky Rambo FilmsBen Stein: Film Actor, Game Show Host Political CommentatorJohn Stossel: Investigative Reporter, SpeakerJanine Turner: Film TV ActorDonald Trump: Reality TV StarJon Voight: Academy Award-winning Film Actor and Political ActivistBruce Willis: Legendary Film Actor Two-Time Emmy Award WinnerLee Ann Womack: Country Music SingerJames Woods: Notable ActorDavid Zucker: Director of Airplane Naked Gun Films

Monday, February 17, 2020

General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade Research Paper

General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade - Research Paper Example Such direct and indirect non-tariff barriers can be suicidal to the interests of an exporting firm. It cannot run its business and the same applies to the importing country; if the importing country has alternative sources of getting the same product, it can manage but the exporting firm has to change its business planning strategy and need to find out new locations to export is stock, which can be dead stock if no other foreign marketplaces an order for the same produce. Management has to be always on the alert to take bold decisions as per the new reality. Scope and horizon of GATT are necessary to know before knowing the basic principles of GATT. GATT 1947 rules were framed to be applicable in trade of goods only. GATT 1947 played a dominant role in minimizing tariff and non-tariff barriers in world trade but worldwide problems were surfaced where GATT could not play a positive role in resolving the issues. Certain areas of business were not part of the GATT responsibilities like trade in services and agriculture-related issues of continuous quarrels among nations. Trade in textile and apparel was left out of the GATT scope because of the politically touchy nature of these industries. Left out of the scope of GATT were intellectual property rights issues. GATT could not succeed in controlling â€Å"unfair trade† practices ((Schaffer et al., 2009, p. 297). GATT 1994 came in effect to address the limitations of the previous agreement on trade. GATT 1994 included two most important agreements on WTO Final Agreement representing the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and the WTO Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization. GATT 1994 included other than the earlier provisions of GATT 1947, a number of multilateral trade agreements on particular issues ((Schaffer et al., 2009, p. 297).

Monday, February 3, 2020

Requirement Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Requirement Analysis - Essay Example These assumptions are being made for the problem tracking phase for BIA organization considering the various facts and measures collected in requirement elicitation phase. The assumptions made so far regarding the requirements collected are: This involves the operations of the business with regard to the constraints that it receives. BIA is supposed to be well aware of information its stakeholders have provided us about the organization and its financials as well. These are technical issues that are deemed to be affecting the business. Our group is supposed to value their working criteria’s and propose better solution for the problems encountered by BIA because we have selected this approach. These requirements involve the following collected data from BIA stakeholders. Through understanding of the constraints that are at hand, there is need to verify the requirements through the use problem tracking system that is viable to the business needs. All the requirements are verified on base of cross checking of their recorded illustrations. Further a details analysis is being done through their website and other case studies for exactness of collected data. Our group discussed the whole information gathered and performed analysis on the collected facts individually and then this data is merged together. All the gathered requirements are validated on the following results proposed by understanding overall working of BIA. Owing to the results gathered by detail analysis and information gathering from key stake holders the following solutions are proposed for the organization for more effective going of this

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Systems Development: Concepts, Issues and Approaches

Systems Development: Concepts, Issues and Approaches Systems development concepts, issues and approaches and the relationship between technologies and their social context Question 1: Why are conventional approaches to systems design considered to be techno-centric? INTRODUCTION This paper presents a thorough explanation of the various processes related to systems design and to the problems that face the conventional, or traditional, methods according to which computer systems, of all kinds, are designed. The paper will then explain why the traditional approaches of system design are considered to be techno-centric. Before being able to answer the main question of this paper, we should define certain terms in order to clarify all the elements that will be discussed later on. Simmers (2004, p.542-543), states that â€Å"a computer system is an electronic device that can be thought of as a complete information-processing center. It can calculate, store, sort, update, manipulate, sequence, organize, and process data. It also controls logic operations and can rapidly communicate in graphics, numbers, words, and sounds.† Another definition is presented by Avgerou and Cornford (1998, p.1), as they state that information systems â€Å"refer to information and data handling activities in human organizations. Information handling in this sense is a purposeful activity sustained over time, and includes the activities of collecting information, storing it, directing it to appropriate places and people, and utilizing it in various tasks within the organization.† The designer of the system attempts to identify a specific problem within a given environment of work, for example, and creates a set of processes that should be able to resolve that problem according to pre-determined instructions and requirements (Kelkar, 2004). SYSTEM DESIGN A system is supposed to handle a variety of issues related to an organisation and to enable the people whom are considered to be the individuals that deal with those issues to function properly, swiftly, more efficiently, and more accurately. This usually also involves the interaction (inter-connectivity) between all those working in a specific section. The person (or group of people) that are supposed to design the desired system should study and analyse thoroughly the problem sphere, identifying the various elements and factors involved in it, proposing different system options, put them into test (preferably in real working environments), and finally selecting, with the help of the management of the organisation in question, the best solution. Computer systems designers, almost from the very beginning of this field, tended to work exclusively within their technical realm; meaning that they were identifying the problem and creating the solution that, evidently, was successful, but that was only operable and facilitated to themselves and to people of the same technical background. This created a reality which made it, somewhat, hard for average users, who are also supposed to be the end users of today’s computer systems, to deal, interact, let alone produce efficiently using those systems. The main problem in this context, as explained by Doherty King (2005, p.2), is that the designers do not, in most cases, follow most required steps in what concerns the analysis of the impact of utilising the computer solution on the organisation and in what concerns the interaction between the created system and the human factor of that organisation. According to Poulymenakou Holmes, 1996 (in Doherty and King, 2005, p.2), â€Å"the adoption of techno-centric development approaches can be a very dangerous strategy, as it encourages developers to deliver and implement the information system, and only then, if at all, worry about adapting it to its organizational context.† The conventional methodology, which depends solely on creating a computer system that is successful in resolving a given problem and that works from a technical (or computer programmable and configurable) point of view, is considered to be techno-centric because the most important factor in designing the system, which is the human factor, has not be taken into consideration fully by the designer (or the designers) during the implementation of their initial plan of work. Many specialists and researchers keep on calling for a methodology of system design that focuses more on the social aspect of the created tool: â€Å"little progress has been made in the development of practical socio-technical methods and approaches that have succeeded in making the transition from research laboratory to widespread commercial usage† (Doherty King, 2005, p.2). Davidson and Chiasson (2004, p.6) state that the three main stages of information technology are the development, the implementation, and the assimilation. They stress on the fact that all the details that are related to the daily use of the technology may not be seen at the time of planning because the â€Å"attention is focused on overall business goals and implementation strategy.† This makes the period following the installation and the initial implementation highly important as all the social and human related factors must be adjusted and modified to suit the users and the organisation as a whole. There are various examples of systems that were created according to the conventional, techno-centric, approach and that have failed at the time of implementation because the designers lacked the social-oriented element in their design Doherty and King (2005, p.2) mentioned several failed experiences of this kind; cases such as the London Ambulance System, the Taurus System, and the Benefits Payment Card System. Other examples were presented by Davidson and Chiasson (2005, p.6-12) who reported that the electronic medical record systems (EMRS) that were used in two healthcare organisations were also a cause of concern, to a certain extent. The authors confirm that the original systems created for the health organisations needed to be socially modified through the implementation of TUM (Technology Use Mediation) during system development stages and throughout the period in which the systems were in use. â€Å"System configuration required changes to software infrastructure and code. Organizational size influenced the availability and the effectiveness of mediation resources.† Another factor that is involved in the conventional approach is the total underestimation of previously existing systems which is also another characteristic of techno-centric methods of design and system development. Ignoring the ‘old’ systems leads the designer to create something that is totally new to the organisation, and this also excludes the effects, the advantages, and the usability of the previous system. The usability of the system and the ability of people within the organisation to work with it came as a result of a long period of system modifications (whether hardware or software) and of personal training and different processes of errors and corrections; which is what can be considered as the social-related side of system development. All those elements will be totally discarded by the designer during his/her development of the new system, which will result in the new system going through the same stages that the old system passed through, and this is anot her form of time-related and financially-related losses to the organisation. Chae and Poole (2005, p.19) pose an important question: â€Å"Is it possible for a large-scale information system to be developed ‘from scratch’?† Their explanation confirms that: Accounts of system development and the systems development literature often focus primarily on the new system and tend to underemphasize the role of pre-existing systems Few pay much attention to the role of pre-existing information systems in IS [Information Systems] development. To the extent the new system must integrate with pre-existing systems or use existing hardware and software Existing systems have also been regarded as problems or barriers to the development of new IS and as disablers of IS-based organizational innovation and change†¦ This approach, too, tends to treat pre-existing systems as objects, black boxes (e.g. Markus, 1983). Those mentioned above are the most notable points when studying computer design in its conventional method, which is, as can be seen, techno-centric. CONCLUSION Even though conventional approaches of system design have been applied from the beginning of the age of Information Technology, they are still techno-centric. What designers should focus on are those system characteristics that are more operable by the individuals of an organisation; this includes the interface design, the language used within the various parts of the system (those related to both the software and the hardware) Another important point is the adaptability to the organisation that requested the system; the designers should understand fully that various factors that can lead the newly created system to be more social-oriented and to be what the organisation needs. Techno-centric designs can work, but only in technical related fields and sections. Previous systems should be studied carefully before initiating the design plan for new ones; this will enable the designer to understand what characteristics worked previously, what structure are the employees and the managers used to work with, and which tools can be re-used within the new system. Anderson and Vendelo (2004, p.27) explain the problem of techno-centric design by stating that â€Å"when introduced into a field, the technical system often needs to be changed to take into account the more holistic requirements that are present in the field, as users need to accommodate the technology in their daily routines.† Reference List Anderson, K. V. and Vendelo, M. T. (2004) The Past and Future of Information Systems, Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Avgerou, C. and Cornford, T. (1998) Developing Information Systems: Concepts, Issues and Practice, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Chae, B. and Scott, M. (2005) The surface of emergence in systems development: agency, institutions, and large-scale information systems, European Journal of Information Systems, 14, 19-36. Davidson, E. and Chiasson, M. (2004) ‘Contextual influences on technology use mediation: a comparative analysis of electronic medical record systems’, European Journal of Information Systems, 14, 6-18. Doherty, N. and King, M. (2005) From technical to socio-technical change: tackling the human and organizational aspects of systems development projects, European Journal of Information Systems, 14, 1-5. Kelkar, S.A. (2004) Structured System Analysis and Design, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. Simmers, L. (2004) Introduction to Health Science Technology, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning. Question 2: Are the work systems considered in week 2 readings based on an organisational or activity oriented perspective? INTRODUCTION This paper explains the various modes in which organisations operate in order to achieve their business related objectives. This includes the organisational approach and the activity-related approach. The paper also describes the work systems considered in the readings in order to identify according to which mode they operate, though the understanding of their structure and implementation of the various processes and procedures. To be able to give a comprehensive response to the main question of this paper, we should understand the meaning of each term presented within it; and this will be of great help in the next parts of this paper. As explained by Cope (2006, p.62), â€Å"a work system is a system of people and/or machines which perform a business process. An organisation is normally made up of many work systems. An information system supports and/or structures and/or controls and/or automates the work performed by other work systems† Another source defines a work system by stating that it is â€Å"a complex network of means-ends relations. The basic many-to-many relationships in this network and its loose coupling is the basic source of the need for human intervention in order to remove ambiguity and to control the functional state† (Salvendy Karwowski, 1994, p.69). This means that a work system includes every person and all items or tools that are functioning to perform a certain process required for the continuity, and profitability, of an organisation. ORGANSATIONAL vs. ACTIVITY-ORIENTED As explained by Sachs (1995, p.36-37) there are two perspective methods of performing the various operations and processes of an entity, these are either organisational or activity-oriented. The organisational scheme can be determined and discovered through the evident use of different â€Å"sets of defined tasks and operations such as those described in methods and procedures, which fulfil a set of business functions† The activityoriented method, on the other hand, â€Å"suggests that the range of activities, communication practices, relationships, and coordination it takes to accomplish business functions is complex and continually mediated by workers and managers alike.† As stated by the author, activity-oriented methods allow the employee or worker to improve, learn more, function better, and, ultimately, enhances the way in which the business as a whole functions. â€Å"An activity orientation draws on insights about work practice from several disciplines, includi ng anthropology, history, and psychology, and in so doing provides a holistic approach to the analysis of work.† Anderson and Vendelo (2004, p.143-144) agree with Sachs and explain that the method according to which an organisation functions will affect a â€Å"number of fields – including management studies, business administration, information systems development, organizational behaviour, job design, human resource management, training, etc.† and in relation to systems design, the authors confirm that this growing significant view reconceptualises â€Å"the nature of work and organizational life, and the role of information technology support. It emphasizes work practices, and the way learning is accomplished within communities of practice.† They also state that organizational mode is still the major one in the organisations of today; as it is considered to be â€Å"grounded in scientific management ideas, focusing on training, tasks, procedures, workflow and teams† while the activity-oriented method concentrates on â€Å"learning, know-how, networks, conceptual understanding, work practices, judgement, and communities†. The example reported by Sachs for what concerns the organisational perspective is the one of the Trouble Ticketing System (TTS) which is a huge database system that is based on organising work tasks and distributing them on workers. In this case, the tasks performed by workers are only those that are considered by the system, while the activity-oriented method depends on each worker to solve problems from start to end rather than perform single tasks. â€Å"The underlying design assumption in organizational thinking is that technology design should eliminate human error. This differs sharply from the underlying assumption in activity-oriented thinking, which is that technology design should enhance the human capability of finding problems and solving them. Organizational thinking assumes that people create human error. Activity-oriented thinking assumes that people solve problems.† (p.40). In the case of United Parcel Service (UPS), as explained by laudon and Laudon (1995, p.17), we find that it is clearly working according to the organisational method. This is evident as all the structure of work is organised through the use of a centralised system that communicates to drivers the required destinations of various packages, and gathers the delivery information concerning each package and adds it to its main database which can be consulted by anyone through the use of any Internet connected device. Communications between the employees are reduced to the minimum as all work related information can be obtained from the system; this includes the delivery department, the customer service department, the shipment department and management. Even the requests of customers can be done directly through the system as all the required information is provided (shipping rates, shipment routes, times, etc). But on the other hand, there is a side of UPS that can be considered activity-oriented; this can be found in what concerns the sales department and the marketing department; these two functions require a different approach and it is being followed. The focus, when it comes to these two sections of the work process, depends solely on the performance which is not measured through tasks, but through problem solving from start to end. Communication, training, and know-how are essential here. The duty of the departments in question is to identify problems, locate the causes, and come up with successful solution. A clear case of the organisational approach is the one of the company called Electronic Banking System Inc. In this company, every single individual is responsible for a specific task, he/she is being monitored all the time, the production of each individual is checked continuously, conversations between employees/workers are not allowed if not related to task performance, and even looking out the window (which is considered to be nothing more than distraction from work) is not allowed (Horowitz, 1996, p.322). According to this system, any error is digitally monitored and immediately reported. As explained earlier, in a system such as this one, there is no space for improvement, and there is no need for problem solving skills; what each person should do is pre-set and no special talents or know-how qualities are required. CONCLUSION System design in organisational businesses and entities is, to a certain extent, fairly simple; as the tasks are well defined before the designer, the level of the various users’ rights and privileges is evident, and the processes to perform are directly requested by the organisation. Development in the activity oriented environment is difficult as it is needed to separate the situational and the personal elements and the effects each one has on the other during the process of interaction. The designer should be able to identify the required processes and operations through the help of analytical tools (Peiro, 1995, p.284). This means that a social study in what concerns the various functions of the system should performed by the designer in advance in order to enable him/her to produce the required work system. Another important factor for the designer is to be able to comprehend the various policies within the organisation in question in order to reach the desired system which complies with those rules and policies. It is also possible for the designer to offer a possibility of continuous communications, learning, and enhancement through the system even in businesses based on the organisational method. Reference List Cope, C. (2006) Beneath the Surface, Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press. Salvendy, G. and Karwowski, W. (Ed.). (1994) Design of Work and Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing, New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Sachs, P. (1995) Transforming Work: Collaboration, Learning, and Design, Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 38, 9 36-44. Anderson, K. V. and Vendelo, M. T. (2004) The Past and Future of Information Systems, Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2005). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 9th edn, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Horowitz, T. (1996) Mr. Edens Profits from Watching His Workers Every Move, in Kling, R. Computerization and Controversy, San Diego: Academic Press, pp.322-325. Peiro, J.M. (1995) Work and Organizational Psychology: European Contributions of the Nineties, East Sussex, Erlbaum (UK) Taylor Francis.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Cultural awareness Essay

Although the emergence of a global economy and the proliferation of multinational corporations seem, at first glance, to indicate an evolution of cultural awareness in contemporary societies, the need for vigilance regarding the increase of cultural awareness both in the corporate sector and without is still an important challenge and priority of the twenty-first century. In terms of international corporations themselves, cultural diversity has emerged as both a highly productive and robustly challenging aspect of modern business. Because cultural diversity offers a wider variety of ideas, talents, skills and knowledge, businesses that are culturally diverse and display constructive communication will have at their disposal a wider range of talents, skills and ideas. Vigilance regarding cultural awareness is an important aspect of modern productiviy. Cultural awareness remains a key factor within the running of extant multinational corporations. The bottom line regarding communication in the culturally diverse twenty-first century is that providing for successful communication is one of the most vital and important aspects of any business or organization. A recent investigation â€Å"of employees from 33 different organizations across 12 industries found that some organizations have cultures of injustice. † (Pinder/Harlos, 2001, p. 346). Obviously, any organization which is afflicted with a culture of injustice will function, at best, only somewhat efficiently; at worst, such an organization will not only fall short of matching its stated goals or pragmatically driven needs, but may actually foster a climate which is counterproductive to its stated goals or purposes. (Bonczek, and Menzel) Beyond the corporate sphere, cultural awareness remains the single most important aspect of conflict resolution between nations and nation-states. Because â€Å"Human nature and human institutions are flexible, and levels of violence vary from one cultural setting to the next, with some cultures expressing extremely low levels of violence† strategies can be learned through cultural awareness for stemming the tide of war, as well as stimulating the global economy. (Fry & Bjorkqvist, 1997, p. xiii) References Bonczek, Stephen, and Donald Menzel. 1994. â€Å"Achieving the Ethical Workplace. † Public Management Mar. 13+. Fry, D. P. & Bjorkqvist, K. (Eds. ). (1997). Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pinder, Craig C. ; Harlos, Karen P. 2001. â€Å"Employee Silence: Quiescence and Acquiescence as Responses to Perceived Injustice†. Research in Personnel And Human Resources Management, Volume 20,p331-369.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Details of Term Papers on Business

Details of Term Papers on Business On the flip side, in the event the title page isn't well written, it is going to produce the reader drop interest right at the start. All papers need to have a title page which has the next. The title and reference slides aren't included in the essential slide length. Your term paper title and subtitle ought to be written in the middle of the webpage. What You Must Know About Term Papers on Business Writing an ethics business research company is a difficult endeavor. The paper discusses the chosen alternative directly selling to bar-operating retailers away from the neighborhood area in conditions of the promotion P of the promotion mix. It also discusses some of the things existing hospitals can do to reduce waste and energy costs and the benefits of doing so. The crucial thing is to realign the domestic approach to lead the worldwide industry in approach to force massive concerns to boost quality and client response efficiencies. One of the main benefits of franchising is reduced risk. By keeping up with the recent trends and understanding the challenges that you will need to face, having the ability to keep the company afloat and then becoming profitable is going to be a distinct possibility. Lies You've Been Told About Term Papers on Business Though it wasn't created for a specific discipline, it's widely used in philosophy and history. In reality, nearly all academic and expert research papers need to have an annotated bibliography. A student need to remember that every idea needs to be cited properly according to MLA format peculiarities. Thus every student must understand how to cite a paper and apply the mandatory citation style format. Therefore, if you're expected to compose any academic or professional papers, it's possible that you are going to be asked to adhere to either APA or MLA standards. The APA recommends Times New Roman, but you may use any font provided that it's highly legible. APA and MLA each have various ways to compile and present a bibliography in a paper, so it's important to check into the particular formats for the standard that you're expected to use. APA (American psychological association) is a technique of citation that's widely employed for writing papers in regions of sociology, organization, mathematics, psychology, criminal justice and nursing among other regions. Any sources which you do use needs to be valid sources like the text book, library books, journal articles, news stories, government sites, or the site of businesses you're discussing. Your reference page is going to be reviewed for errors, checking for consistency together with quality. Upon completion your paper is g oing to be delivered via email to guarantee privacy. It will include many things, but the information you provide about your study will be addressed in each of the sections in diverse ways. The Hidden Secret of Term Papers on Business From a good example term paper you can find out many significant things. The conclusion typically does not offer you new info, but instead summarizes the principal points addressed in the paper. An overview of the circumstance is included together with a SWOT analysis. Sheets of paper ought to be stapled at the top left-hand corner. Then write the abstract part of your paper only after you're completely finished writing your paper. The term paper may not be written chaotically, because every page needs to be organized based on the definite principles. Format term paper addresses the dilemma of formatting your paper. The 5-Minute Rule for Term Papers on Business True, such kind of assignment for a term paper needs a scrupulous strategy, time and confidence that you're doing it right. In the world of authenticity, one discovers a large number of ethics paper tips for research. Every subject that you study in a term has a definite number of lessons or units that you want to cover. Sample term papers ought to be strictly weighed side by side with the matter of plagiarism. The War Against Term Papers on Business Business English is typically taught to business people who have to utilize it in their everyday duties. Business English is essenti al for every body who is and who wishes to join expert environment, off course many of us have to join. What Has to be Done About Term Papers on Business Before It Is Too Late Who knew essay writing may be so tough. A term paper is designed to assess the student's knowledge of the subject and the specific topic that's under consideration. So for those who have an essay assigned that you require help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. No matter whichever one which you decide to use, you have to be consistent throughout your essay. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

We ve Got The Dirt On Guy Brains By Dave Barry - 951 Words

In Dave Barry’s article â€Å"We’ve Got the Dirt on Guy Brains† and the Deborah Tannen’s â€Å"Sex, Lies, and Conversation† , the authors discussed the difference between men and women in terms of specific issues. However, their opinions of what reasons have led to certain differences diverged. This essay aimed at providing a detailed examination of both articles by comparing some of the points. First of all, I will discuss the shared point of both articles regarding the differences of men and women. Then the I will move on taking about the major different opinions the two authors held. Once these have been done, a brief examination of the the evidence in both articles. Although Barry and Tannen have taken different approaches to examine the differences between men and women, as Barry’s point was based on housework while Tannen’s discussion mainly focused on communication, it should be noted that both of them agreed on the opinion that men and women are quite different from each other, especially in terms of emotions and feeling. Barry and Tannen pointed out that women are more inclined to share their feelings and emotions while men are not. In Barry’s article, he has been quite specific about this point by saying that â€Å"some women (and here I am referring to my wife) can share as many as three days’ worth of feelings about an event that take eight seconds to actually happen. We men, on the other hand, are reluctant to share our feelings, in large part because we often don’t have