Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Patient Safety And Risk Management Program - 1429 Words

Purpose A risk management plan is created so as to support Little Falls Hospitals mission and vision statements as it pertains to the clinical risk of the hospital, patients, visitors, volunteers, and employee safety, and any possible operational, business, and property risks. Culture Principles The Patient Safety and Risk Management program will support Little Falls Hospitals philosophy; everyone is responsible for patient safety and risk management. It is essential to have participation and teamwork among providers, management, staff and volunteers. The Patient Safety and Risk Management program will be implemented with the coordination of multiple organizational and department functions and activities. Little Falls Hospital will support the introduction of a just culture with emphasis on evidence based best practices, learning from errors, and providing feedback instead of punishment and blame. In a just culture any unsafe conditions or hazards will be identified quickly, medical or patient care errors will be reported and analysed, open discussions of mistakes and suggestions for improvements are welcome with patient safety and risk management practices. Individuals will still be held accountable for compliance. When evaluation and investigation into errors reveals there has been reckless behaviour or there has been wilful violation of policies then disciplinary action may be taken. Development, review, and revision of the practices and protocols of theShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of Beaumont Hospital s Risk Management1106 Words   |  5 PagesBeaumont Hospital believes that patient safety is just as important as medical progression. Therefore, Beaumont Hospital’s risk management program consists of identifying hazard associated risks, controlling risks, and monitoring the effectiveness of procedures/practices. Risk is a part of patient care and services because everything doesn’t always go according to plan. Catastrophic patient injuries often occur because of unanticipated failures. The risk management team is responsible of effectiveRead MoreHealthcare Risk Management ( Hrm )1216 Words   |  5 Pages Healthcare risk management ( HRM) began in The late 1970s, when hospitals are facing a malpractice crisis (Kavaler Alexander, 2014). According to Kavaler and Alexander (2014), it is estimated more than 140,000 Americans die from medical errors and the cost ranges between $17 billion and $29 billion each year in the United States (Kavaler Alexander, 2014). In this essay, the student will explain a healthcare risk management program, evaluate the program for compliance with the American SocietyRead MoreLittle Falls Hospital Risk Management Plan1461 Words   |  6 PagesLITTLE FALLS HOSPITAL RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Purpose The purpose of the risk management program is to protect patients, staff members and visitors from inadvertent injury. The focus of Little Falls Hospital risk management plan is to provide an ongoing, comprehensive, and systematic approach to reducing risk exposures. Risk management activities include identifying, investigating, analyzing, and evaluating risks, followed by selecting and implementing the most appropriate methods for correcting, reducingRead MoreRisk Management Program For New Employees1144 Words   |  5 PagesThe risk management program in any business, especially in a health care organization is an integral part of its day to day operation. The purpose of the risk management department is summed up by Kavaler Alexander (2014), â€Å"†¦a program designed to reduce the incidence of preventable accidents and injuries to minimize the financial loss to the institution should any accident or injury occur† (p. 5). Protecting employees, patients, vendors and visitors is an ongoing process and one that needs toRead MoreElements Of A Risk Management Program1400 Words   |  6 PagesElements of a risk management program Introduction Quality and safety of care are the biggest goals of every health care organization. A risk to the patient, healthcare professional and the organization are prevalent in health care settings, which can be minimized and prevented by having well trained and educated risk management team within the organization. Risk management is the systematic effort to reduce an incidence of preventable accidents, which not only prevents the injuries and financialRead MoreThe Delivery Of Health Services1120 Words   |  5 Pagesdelivery of quality patient care in a safe hospital environment. The St. Mark’s Hospital Risk Management Plan assists in achieving this goal by continually identifying and reducing risk exposures to all members of our hospital community in accordance with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, as well as the standards set forth by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Purpose The purpose of the St. Mark s Hospital Risk Management Plan is to outline theRead MoreRisk Management At Multiple Levels Of This Institution1554 Words   |  7 Pagesreport reflect the current environment and culture of Little Falls Hospital, in regards to risk management at multiple levels of this institution. It is without question, that regardless of the classification of our facility, or the specialty care that is provided, we are a major component of our local, regional and national health care system. Therefore, it is essential that we must assess and prioritize any risk that may be associated with our business operations. This includes an assessment of sub-organizationsRead MoreRisk Management For Healthcare Organizations1442 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Risk management refers to the process of forecasting, estimating and evaluating the possible risks that are likely to befall an organization in the normal process of conducting its activities. It includes the identification of measures, methods, and procedures to mitigate them. Healthcare risk management is the process of estimating and forecasting the potential risks relating to patient safety, staff, adherence to federal regulations, prevention of medical errors and prevention of financialRead MoreThe Potential Of Risk Within Healthcare1312 Words   |  6 PagesThe potential of risk within healthcare is a high factor concern when dealing with hundreds of patients, staff, and the organization as a whole. Defining what risk is and the level of importance it represents is the first objectives taken on when risk is presumed. Risk within a healthcare facility is when anybody inside the organization or the organization itself is somehow put in harm s way due to ill practice or internal error residing in the hospital. Proper risk Management defined in healthcareRead MoreRisk Management : An Organization Of Patient Safety1456 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to ECRI Institute (2014), risk management did not emerge as a distinct profession in healthcare, primarily in the hospital environment, until the mid-1970s, when the number of malpractice claims against physicians and hospitals increased dramatically, and settlements and judgments skyrocketed. In 1977, the American Hospital Association encouraged hospitals to implement risk management programs as a solution to malpractice problems, calling risk management the â€Å"science for the identification

Monday, December 16, 2019

Is Democracy Still Relevant in Our Society Free Essays

ALBUKHARY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY JALAN TUN ABDUL RAZAK 05200 ALOR SETAR KEDAH DARUL AMAN MALAYSIA Students Details Name: Mohd Rafiq Bin Mohamad Mazlan Matric No: 111100075 Trimester/ Year: 2/ 2013 School: School of Business Assignment Details Course Title: Seminar on Current Affairs Course Code: SHH1013 Assignment title: Research Paper Topic: Is Democracy Still Relevant in Our Society? Declaration I hereby declare that this assignment is personal work, and does not involve plagiarism or collusion. MOHD RAFIQ MOHAMAD MAZLAN †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date: 05 APRIL 2013 Is Democracy Still Relevant in Our Society? 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Democracy Still Relevant in Our Society? or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0 INTRODUCTION Recently, there are many political issues and problems that happened in some countries where the democracy system is applied. One such example is in Egypt and Syria. Therefore, the question that always arises in our mind, is democracy still relevant in our society? Based on the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Democracy means a system of government in which everyone in the country can vote to elect its members. Even though some parties say that democracy is not relevant in our society nowadays, I personally take a stand to say that democracy is still relevant as it brings many benefits to us in terms of economics and politics. . 0 PROBLEM DEFINITION The main purpose for me to choose this this topic is because it is based on my current observation. From what I observed, I have seen many countries which apply the system of democracy in their country are far more developed than those countries which use other form of Government. What are the realities behind the democracy sys tem? Does it still applicable to some countries and what are the benefits, advantages or even advantages of having this system in a country? Those are questions that always arise if we discuss about democracy system. Therefore by doing this research paper, it is hoped that the concept of democracy system will be clearer to us by comparing it in two different aspects which are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy to a country. For this research paper, I have used a method where the arguments are divided into three parts and in each part, there will be advantages and disadvantages of democracy system with some supporting details. 3. 0ARGUMENTS 3. 1ARGUMENT I It is no doubt that democracy does bring many benefits and advantages to a country but at the same time it does also bring some negative effects on economy of a country. From Acemoglu and Robinson, an MIT economist and a Harvard political scientist, they mentioned that democracy in economics lead to inequality of economy to the citizens. Besides that, from an article, ‘Why Democracy Is Wrong’, it mentioned that democracy has brought inequality to some countries. In this article, it mentioned that democracy has failed to eliminate inequality at global level and it also mentioned that in some democratic states, there is inequality of wealth and income. In addition, from a research paper, ‘Democracy and Economic Development’ by Adam Przeworski, from Department of Politics, New York University, he mentioned that democracy in a country does not guarantee a country to be a developed country as he gave one example in Mali where back in 1985, Mali faced a financial crisis and had a low per capita income of $532 and the same problem happened in France where on the same year France had per capita income of $12206 and grew at the rate of 1. 43 percent. On the contrary, democracy is not a primary factor that makes a country to have a financial crisis. I do not believe that democracy necessarily leads to development. I believe that what a country needs to develop is discipline more than democracy† (Lee Kuan Yew cited in The Economist, August 17,1994, p. 15). From a book, ‘Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy’, it mentioned that democracy has helped one country to be a developed and one such example gi ven is Singapore. Singapore was ranked in the first position by Bloomberg Businessweek in 2009 as the most competitive country in the world. In addition, from a book written by Rainer Heufers, ‘The Politics of Democracy in Malaysia’, she mentioned that democracy is one of the factors that have helped Malaysia in terms of economics to be one of the most fastest growing counties in this region. (Kurzman, Werum, and Burkhart, 2002) mentioned that democracy is good for investment and at the same time it has a positive effect on economic growth as it grows in a climate of liberty, free-flowing information, and property rights secure from the arbitrary power of the state. . 2ARGUMENT II Democracy also plays a significant role in maintaining a good and a stable political condition in one country. On the other hand, it also brings some negative impacts in politics of a country. In an article written by Manali Oak, she mentioned that not all citizens are aware of the political scenario in their own country thus this somehow makes people making a wrong choice during election and from Christopher Ryan Maboloc, a Chair o f the Philosophy Division at the Ateneo de Davao University, he mentioned that democracy in politics is weak because the elected party that has won the election does not guarantee a country to be a developed country in one term. And, from Alessandro Pellegata, a graduate from School in Social, Economic and Political Studies, Universita degli Studi in Milano, in his paper, he mentioned that democracy system may lead to higher political corruption compare to some dictatorships and autocracies. This is because some politicians or ministers in a country may have some hidden agendas for their own personal benefits and purposes. For example, from the annual review of corruption in Asia by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) in March 21, 2012, India as the world’s largest democracy country is listed as the most corrupted countries in Asia and this followed by Indonesia and Cambodia. However, on the other hand, democracy does help some countries in making their countries become stable. This is proven from an article by Tusha Gupta, where she mentioned that democracy helps in making a stable government as it is based on people’s trust and support. Again, she mentioned that democracy will make a country becomes a fair and a just country, as it is based on the principle of equality. This is because the ‘real democracy’ means the equality and freedom of all citizens and having equal access to legislative processes and are generally protected by a constitution (The Democracy Sourcebook, 2003). This can be proven from most of the countries where democracy is applied are developed countries. From World Bank in 2010, it stated that there are thirty two countries listed as developed countries and most of them are democracy countries. A democracy country has three advantages. There are politically stable, economically stable and internationally stable. This is because most developed countries do not suffer from serious declines in economy and they do not have many problems such as wars with other countries because of the stability in politics and economics and this result to a peaceful country (Richard Bruce, 2011). 3. 3 ARGUMENT III In addition, democracy does in some ways give negative impacts on the moral and ethical aspects. From Tusha Gupta, she mentioned that democracy will lower the moral standard. This is because the candidates will use any kinds of ways even though the ways are considered as unethical as it is to ensure that they will win the election. One such example is money power works hand-in-hand to ensure that one will win and beat the competitors. Other than that, democracy could also give bad influence by the political parties. From an online article by Pearson, it mentioned political party is a component and fundamental of a democracy system but unfortunately sometimes the party members overlook the interest of the state for the benefit of their own party. In order to ensure that they will get the power, they will sometimes practise the immoral ways, inciting hatred and also spreading caste feelings. This will affect and give a bad impression on the national character. On the contrary, some academicians and politicians believe that democracy can help in making a good, moral and mature citizen. From Alexis de Tocqueville, a great French political thinker and philosopher, he mentioned that democracy is the first school of good citizenship. Citizens learn their rights and duties from birth till death in it. This is because democracy creates a proper environment for the development of personality instilling good habits among the citizens. From Mansi Chitransi (2009), he mentioned that democracy is part of a social responsibility towards their nation. This is a good moral value where people achieve the sense of contribution for their country through selecting the right people to lead the country. They will have the chance to speak out their views through voting. This will also create the feeling of belongingness towards their society and its well-being. From my personal opinion, democracy does bring benefits to the people of a country. Based on my experience, democracy creates a mature and wise person in thinking. This is because one of the elements in democracy is we are free to choose and to elect anyone to be our representative and in order to choose a person, we have to be really critical in our decision and be aware of the current situation so that we can choose the right person to run the government. 4. 0CONCLUSION In conclusion, democracy has been seen as a major influence in modernising a country. It is proven that democracy has changed many countries from a third orld country to be a first world country and it is proven by the article from The Council on Foreign Relations, where it says that most democracy countries have performed well in Growth Domestic Product (GDP) per capita per year compared to autocracy countries such as North Korea and Cuba. And I am still fixed with my stand to say that democracy gives many advantag es to a country in terms economics and politics even though it is no doubt that it also somehow have negative impacts. 5. 0REFERENCES: The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (5th ed. ). College Park, NY: Longman Acemoglu, D. Robinson, J. (2005). Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bruce, R. (2011). List of Developed Democracies and Why it Matters. Retrieved from http://richleebruce. com/economics/1st-world. html Council on Foreign Relations. (2003, March 19). The Relationship between Democracy and Development: Implications for Policy. Retrieved from http://www. cfr. org/democratization/relationship-between-democracy-development-implications-policy/p5778 Chitranshi, M. (2009, March 16). Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy. Retrieved http://www. articleswave. om/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-democracy. html Dahl, R. , Shapiro, I. and Cheibub, J. (eds) (2003) The Democracy Sourcebook (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Gupta, T. (n. d). What are the Main Challenges to Democracy?. Retrieved from http://www. preservearticles. com/2012051632246/what-are-the-main-challenges-to-democracy. html Heufers, R. (2002, October). The Politics of Democracy in Malaysia. Retrieved from http://www. asienkunde. de/articles/Malaysia2. pdf Is Democracy An Economic Liability?. (2011, July 6). Retrieved from http://www. economist. com/blogs/freeexchange/2011/07/political-economy Kurzman, C. Werum, R. , Burkhart, R. E. (n. d). Democracy’s Effect on Economic Growth: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis, 1951-1980. Retrieved from http://kurzman. unc. edu/files/2011/06/Kurzman_Werum_Burkhart_SCID. pdf Maboloc, C. R. (2011, August 16). Political Reform and Human Development. Retrieved from http://philippine-democracy. blogspot. com/2011/08/political-reform-and-human-development. html Munsyi Ahmed. (2010). Most Competitive Economies 2010. Retrieved from http://images. businessweek. com/ss/10/05/0519_most_competitive_countri es_2010/2. htm Pellegata, A. (2009, September). The Effects of Democracy on the â€Å"Quality of Governance†. Evidence on the Capacity of Political Systems to Constrain Corruption. Retrieved from http://www. sisp. it/files/papers/2009/alessandro-pellegata-427. pdf Pereira, C. (2011, January 9). Political Institutions, Economic Growth, and Democracy: The Substitute Effect. Retrieved from http://www. brookings. edu/research/opinions/2011/01/19-political-institutions-pereira Political Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd. (2012, March 21). Asian Intelligence: Annual review of corruption in Asia. Retrieved from http://www. asiarisk. com/subscribe/exsum1. pdf Przeworski, A. n. d). Democracy and Economic Development. Retrieved from http://as. nyu. edu/docs/IO/2800/sisson. pdf Singapore, Singapore Economic Development Board. (2012, April 11). Singapore Is Ranked First In The World As The City With The Best Investment Potential. Retrieved from http://www. edb. gov. sg/edb/sg/en_uk/index/why_singapore/singapore_rankings. html The Dilemma of a More Advanced Developing Country. (n. d). Retrieved from http://www. fas. nus. edu. sg/ecs/pub/wp/previous/PW2. pdf Why Democracy Is Wrong. (2006, May 13). Retrieved from http://web. inter. nl. net/users/Paul. Treanor/democracy. html How to cite Is Democracy Still Relevant in Our Society?, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Logic is not Practical Essay Example For Students

Logic is not Practical Essay Category:ReligionPaper Title:Logic is not PracticalText:LOGIC IS NOT PRACTICALWho needs logic? Logic is but an entrapment a false sense of security tolet us rest easy at night. Countless numbers take solace in the world in whichwe live, a world we know virtually nothing about, by forcing themselves tobelieve that if something is intangible, or unimaginable, it is impossible. The Spanish told Christopher Columbus in 1492 that he was setting sail onsuicide mission when he discovered North America. Logic had told them, from thebeginning of time, that the world was flat. Of course it is, at least as far asthe eye can see. But in this case, and in many others too numerous to mention,there is so much beyond what the eye can see. A modern-time example would be the mass suicide of 39 Heavens Gate cultmembers. They reportedly timed their suicides to correlate with the passing ofthe comet named Hale-Bopp. They supposedly believed that their spirits weregoing to rendezvous with a UFO that was enveloped by Hale-Bopps tail. Howpreposterous! What an obtuse notion! I am sure these are the same feelingsexpressed by the Spanish in the 1400s. Who are we to second-guess someoneelses actions? Our culture is quick to shoot down ideas that cannot be backedup by logic. I feel that this limits the human race hugely. We believe in God. As a whole, we are a nation built on Christian beliefs One Nation Under God. Ive never seen him, nor have I ever heard him not in a logical sense. However, these facts make him no less real. A common belief that is highly criticized is reincarnation. Some believe itis absurd to think that all living things are intertwined that a human canbe reborn as a bird, or a fish, or a goat. I cant remember every dying andbeing reborn as a human or anything else, so I will straddle the fence onthat argument. Forever, we believed that life could not be duplicated by any other meansthan by conventional reproduction. Once again, we have been educated otherwise. In 1997, two world-renown universities conducted successful experiments cloninganimals. It began with sheep and monkeys, but now the race is on to clone thefirst human!Logically, we want to believe that this is impossible, but the proof of thepudding is in the eating! Theres another slap in the face for logic. Many people dont believe angels exist. I believe there are angels among usevery day, in everything we do. Little Sara McCloud shares my belief. One daylast winter, Sara was boarding her school bus for the afternoon ride home when astranger approached her. The nice elderly woman was technically a stranger toher, but Sara agreed to let the woman walk her home. Even though this wasagainst her better judgment, Sara knew the twelve blocks werent too far towalk, and besides, her bus took a very out-of-the-way route to her home, so thisway would probably be much quicker. It wasnt until Sara arrived home that sherealized the importance of this decision. When she stepped onto her front porch,Saras distraught mother clutched her tightly in her arms. Sara had never beensqueezed so hard. Her mother had just received word that Saras school bus hadrun off an icy bridge, just half a mile from the school. The little girl reassured her mother that everything was fine, thanks to hernew friend who offered to walk her home. As she turned around to introduce thesweet old lady, she was gone vanished without a trace. I feel that this isproof that there are stronger powers working out there. Stronger than that powerin our minds logic. .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .postImageUrl , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:hover , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:visited , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:active { border:0!important; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:active , .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97 .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u75f62c7518fab78d6886d20661f05f97:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Obesity EssayWhile it is true, that seeing is believing, maybe sometimes we try to seewith our eyes shut. A wise teacher once told me that is OK to be ignorant, itis not OK to be proud of being ignorant. Who knows what may unfold in thefuture? Practically every day logic is disproved. Ill never depend on it. Butthen again never say never. Religion

Saturday, November 30, 2019

ride the wave Review Essay Example

ride the wave Review Paper Essay on ride the wave One of the most accurate hits the mark characterizing this novel is: How Hemingway glorified fishing, so What Nunn sang surfing This summary of the newspaper  «Saturday review », and I sincerely wish that this statement is not mine. Because thats what kept running through my head, but found no exit. Surfing here is the backdrop to an event action, and in fact life itself. Drawn by, inviting. Place the unfolding events, Hattington -Bich five hours to Los Angeles. Hero Ike Tucker, comes to this place, at first glance idillisticheskoe, almost heavenly place, bathed by the cool ocean waves, actually not for surfing. His goal: to find the missing sister, contacts which were poteryany.Nitochki available in hands led him led him to serferam.Dlya to find her, he has to Ride the wave » We will write a custom essay sample on ride the wave Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on ride the wave Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on ride the wave Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This story has been taken. as a basis for some kind of American movie with Kurt Russell, but taken only idea. Beginner surfer wants to get in touch with the authority in favor of the coterie surfers people. More from the book nothing is taken, which is very good. Despite a series of noir, and seemingly frivolous genre, the book is profound. Reveals the problems of youth, pain, anguish, loneliness, leadership, narcotic addiction, and perhaps most importantly, find themselves and their place in life. What would an outsider seemed a paradise , it turns out, on closer examination, defect location, drug, a place where they make dishonest business. The author is not a professional writer (just lit.kursy), but a great enthusiast of fact, who helped him to create a thriller, which became the first in this niche.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Teenage Years

Teenage Years Susan Minot once said, â€Å"Teenage years. You know just what you’re doing and don’t see the things that start to get in the way.† In the stories, â€Å"A&P† by John Updike, and â€Å"Lust† by Susan Minot, the main characters are experiencing conflicted but transitional periods in their lives. Sammy, the main character in â€Å"A&P,† has a happy, analytical and self-assured personality that will eventually help him quit his job. In contrast, the narrator in â€Å"Lust,† also the main character, has a clashing personality of insecure, depressed, and illogical traits. Both characters are portrayed as adolescents who are growing up in our everyday world. For both characters, changes in their lives will derive by choices they make and decide to follow. Updike’s character, Sammy, who is a happy teenager, currently works at the check out slot of a supermarket. He is completely enlightened with the sight of three girls walking into the store wearing very little clothing. Sammy can’t contain himself; his focus has shifted from ringing up a frustrated old woman to a young boys number one reason of losing focus. He was so fascinated by the girls that he couldn’t remember what he had rung up for the old pester. â€Å"I stood there with my hand on a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not† (Updike 1343). It is not an uncommon experience for guys to lose their concentration when the sight of flesh illuminates off a women’s body, which causes any exposed skin to distract their testosterone driven minds. In contrast with Sammy’s content personality, the narrator from â€Å"Lust† differs in that she is almost an extreme opposite. It is understood that happiness at boarding schools can be quite difficult to acquire, usually drastic measures are taken to deter problems and blank them out from student’s repressed freedom. In the case of the narrator, she doesn’t turn to odorless, smoke... Free Essays on Teenage Years Free Essays on Teenage Years Teenage Years Susan Minot once said, â€Å"Teenage years. You know just what you’re doing and don’t see the things that start to get in the way.† In the stories, â€Å"A&P† by John Updike, and â€Å"Lust† by Susan Minot, the main characters are experiencing conflicted but transitional periods in their lives. Sammy, the main character in â€Å"A&P,† has a happy, analytical and self-assured personality that will eventually help him quit his job. In contrast, the narrator in â€Å"Lust,† also the main character, has a clashing personality of insecure, depressed, and illogical traits. Both characters are portrayed as adolescents who are growing up in our everyday world. For both characters, changes in their lives will derive by choices they make and decide to follow. Updike’s character, Sammy, who is a happy teenager, currently works at the check out slot of a supermarket. He is completely enlightened with the sight of three girls walking into the store wearing very little clothing. Sammy can’t contain himself; his focus has shifted from ringing up a frustrated old woman to a young boys number one reason of losing focus. He was so fascinated by the girls that he couldn’t remember what he had rung up for the old pester. â€Å"I stood there with my hand on a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not† (Updike 1343). It is not an uncommon experience for guys to lose their concentration when the sight of flesh illuminates off a women’s body, which causes any exposed skin to distract their testosterone driven minds. In contrast with Sammy’s content personality, the narrator from â€Å"Lust† differs in that she is almost an extreme opposite. It is understood that happiness at boarding schools can be quite difficult to acquire, usually drastic measures are taken to deter problems and blank them out from student’s repressed freedom. In the case of the narrator, she doesn’t turn to odorless, smoke...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Origin of the Roman Satire Genre

Origin of the Roman Satire Genre Roman literature began as an imitation of the Greek literary forms, from the epic stories of Greek heroes and tragedy to the poem known as an epigram. It was only in satire that the Romans could claim originality since the Greeks never split satire off into its own genre. Satire, as invented by the Romans, had a tendency from the beginning towards social criticism- some of it quite nasty- which we still associate with satire. But the defining characteristic of Roman satire was that it was a medley, like a modern revue. Menippean Satire The Romans produced two types of satire. Menippean satire was frequently a parody, blending prose and verse. The first use of this was the Syrian Cynic philosopher Menippus of Gadara (fl. 290 B.C.). Varro (116-27 B.C.) brought it into Latin. The Apocolocyntosis (Pumpkinification of Claudius), attributed to Seneca, a parody of the deification of the drooling emperor, is the only extant Menippean satire. We also have large segments of the Epicurean satire/novel, Satyricon, by Petronius. Verse Satire The other and more important type of satire was the verse satire. Satire unqualified by Menippean usually refers to the verse satire. It was written in dactylic hexameter meter, like epics. Its stately meter partly accounts for its relatively high place in the hierarchy of poetry quoted at the beginning. Founder of the Genre of Satire Although there were earlier Latin writers instrumental in developing the genre of satire, the official founder of this Roman genre is Lucilius, of whom we have only fragments. Horace, Persius, and Juvenal followed, leaving us many complete satires about the life, vice, and moral decay they saw around them. Antecedents of Satire Attacking the foolish, a component of ancient or modern satire, is found in Athenian Old Comedy whose sole extant representative is Aristophanes. The Romans borrowed from him and other than extant Greek writers of comedy, Cratinus, and Eupolus, according to Horace. The Latin satirists also borrowed attention-grabbing techniques from Cynic and Skeptic preachers whose extemporaneous sermons, called diatribes, could be embellished with anecdotes, character sketches, fables, obscene jokes, parodies of serious poetry, and other elements also found in Roman satire.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self Assessment - Term Paper Example ) says that merchandise budget planning accounts for inventory shrinkage by indicating deviation between budgeted loses and loses causes by stock theft. Every merchandise budget factors in inventory loses expected as a result of conventional damages during stock handling, losses from discounts and those from general sales activities. In this context, any substantial divergence between the planned loss and actual losses after sales will account for inventory shrinkage. Sales = $26,000, stock 1 = $100,000 and stock 2 = $88,000. Difference in stock value = $12,000. This value represents inventory shrinkage within a single sales period of $26,000. Additions to stock is given by; (value of stock 1/sales) Ãâ€" (sales - inventory shrinkage). Additions = (100,000/26,000) Ãâ€" 14000 = $53,846. Based on the formula GMROI = Gross Margin Ãâ€" (Sales/Average Inventory Cost). Gross margin = 46/100. This means 1.3 = 0.46 Ãâ€" sales-to-stock ratio. Therefore, sales to stock ratio = 2.8:1. In this case, the stock-to-sales ratio for 6 months = 2.8 : 1. In retail marketing, the concept of stock-to-sales ratio shows the relationship between the quantity of inventory in stock and the amount of sales. In August, there will be a high stock-to-sales ratio as compared to that of September. According to Toomey (2010), a high ratio in August means that substantial value of capital is tied up in inventory with little sales. On the contrary, September comes with significant sales; hence the ratio reduces as inventory value melts away due to increasing sales. This rule helps retail managers to acknowledge the fact that approximately 80% of sales will come from 20% of the entire stock. On the contrary, 20% of the stock levels will cause 80% of the losses incurred during sales. According to Toomey (2010), the Pareto rule helps retail managers to focus on only 20% of the inventory levels. This rule should serve as a reminder that managers should focus on controlling inventory levels of fast-selling

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What Can Affect the Availability of Food Research Paper - 57

What Can Affect the Availability of Food - Research Paper Example Availability of natural resources like water, land, and energy affects the current food system. Food producers are competing for scarce natural resources to produce food, which can satisfy the growing population. About 90% of the food supply is coming from the land which becoming scarcer as time goes. The land has been affected by factors like soil erosion and mining making it unproductive leading to little availability of food to the people. The increased infection of diseases and malnutrition has affected most people making them migrate to urban areas where they can get access to medical facilities. This people in urban areas will rely on food systems for the supply of food thereby exerting pressure to the current food system. Energy is another resource used for food production; energy is used to production of pesticides, irrigation, fertilizers and machines to replace human labour. Technical constraints are another factor affecting food systems. This is because the farmers cannot get accessed to skills and knowledge which are necessary to increase food production. This makes them incur more expenses when producing food, which will discourage them from participating in food production as the costs incurred, is more than the returns. Transport and market infrastructure are another factor that affects food systems. This is because when the infrastructure is poor, and it is hard to get market for the products, producers will have to incur an additional cost of storing the goods in the warehouse when looking for a market. In addition, poor road network will increase transport costs. This will discourage the production of enough food that satisfies the population, hence, affect the food systems.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Key Objectives of an Organization Essay Example for Free

Key Objectives of an Organization Essay Task 1A. Identify the mission, values and key objectives of an organization of your choice and assess the influence of stakeholders The Body Shop is a public limited company they mainly specialize in beauty products, however they are very much different compared to regular make up brands such as DIOR, SHU UMERA and so on, they are different in a way that they use natural products and they are against animal cruelty. They use plants resources wisely. The body shop is different because of their values. Ms Dame Anita roddick, was a human rights activist and the founder of the body shop. AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING Every one of the body shops products is animal cruelty free and vegetarian. they were the first international cosmetics brand to be recognized under the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. FOR TRADING FAIRLY They believe in fair trade to such an extent, that over 20 years ago we set up our own fair trade programme, called Community Trade. Body Shop believe this level of commitment to trading fairly is unique in the cosmetics industry. Community Trade now works with over 30 suppliers in more than 20 countries, providing over 25,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. Most of our products contain Community Trade ingredients. OUR FIVE CORE VALUES The Body Shop is a leader in promoting greater corporate transparency, and we have been a force for positive social and environmental change through our campaigns around our five core Values: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, Protect Our Planet. OUR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION We also have our own charity, The Body Shop Foundation. Launched in 1990 (registered charity no. 802757) we give financial support to pioneering, frontline organisations that otherwise have little hope of conventional funding. The Foundations focus is to assist those working to achieve progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. Let us move on to the various stakeholders in the organization. Primary Stakeholders Usually internal stakeholders like stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees. Secondary Stakeholders Usually external stakeholders like general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups, and the media. The influence of various stakeholders on the organization establishes a balance of priorities on the organization. Some examples of balances that various stakeholders bring to the organization are: Stockholders: The stockholders of the organization ensure that the organization is constantly looking for new means to improve operating net profits. The stockholders of the companies keep a keen eye on the performance of the organization through the quarterly reports of the organizations submitted to respective regulatory bodies in the world. This ensures that the organization keeps a fine balance between working for short-term profits while keeping a firm eye on the long-term business possibilities that may emerge. Positive performance by a company over a long  period of time is rewarded through improved prices. Customers: The most important to any business, customers of an organization keep the organization on their toes to offer best of services in comparison with the market. The organizations strive hard to meet the ever-growing customer expectations in terms of improved products and services and reduced cost for these improved services year on year. Improved performance of the organization to meet customer demands is rewarded through more business orders. Employees: The employees of the organization are the assets of the organization that keeps the organization nimble and agile to meet the customer expectations resulting in profits that meet the stockholders expectations. The employees are rewarded through promotions and merit increments based on their contributions to meet the organizations goals, vision and objectives. Task 2 Evaluate the extent to which the organization achieves the objectives of three stakeholders. As mentioned above there are two different types of stakeholders, there is primary and there is secondary. Primary stakeholders include Internal stakeholders like stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees. Secondary includes External stakeholders like general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups, and the media. Beginning with the internal stakeholders also known as primary stakeholders, the employees obviously work towards the goals and objectives that are set,  however in the body shop they are in for it in a different way as the people are passionate. They’re a customer-focused business that strives to create a fantastic experience for everyone who shops and works at The Body Shop. Aside from employees and customers they are also dedicated to their suppliers and creditors as well as stockholders. The body shop is dedicated to the planet and the people in simple words. The body shop is financial stable meeting their financial objectives as well as meeting the stock holders objectives which is keeping on-going improvements and new objectives which is what the body shop is already doing. Achievement of Customer Objectives: The organization is always talking about the natural way of beauty. In addition, the company also shares very positive information of the number of accounts where they have grown the relationships to multimillion dollar revenue generating business accounts through good performance in existing contracts and offering greater value to the customer though their foresight and operations management. This has resulted in good customer retention and repeats businesses for the company across various lines of businesses. Achievement of Employees objectives: Body shop has a large workforce employs over 100,000 employees across the globe and has become an employer of choice. This has provided many opportunities to the employees to grow professionally and vertically as well. Additionally, the body shop provides merit increments every year based on the performance of the employees, which keeps them engaged in their roles and glued on to the target objectives. Task 3. Explain the responsibilities of the organization and strategies employed to meet them. The body shop not only has responsibilities that they must keep to the company and their customers but also the environment, which is why they do the natural way. Nature is the key objective and responsibility to the Body Shop. Their responsibilities towards the environment can be seen on their website, the body shop focuses on cruelty free make up. More  responsibilities and strategies are shown below AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING Every one of the body shops products is animal cruelty free and vegetarian. they were the first international cosmetics brand to be recognized under the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. FOR TRADING FAIRLY They believe in fair trade to such an extent, that over 20 years ago we set up our own fair trade programme, called Community Trade. Body Shop believe this level of commitment to trading fairly is unique in the cosmetics industry. Community Trade now works with over 30 suppliers in more than 20 countries, providing over 25,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. Most of our products contain Community Trade ingredients. OUR FIVE CORE VALUES The Body Shop is a leader in promoting greater corporate transparency, and we have been a force for positive social and environmental change through our campaigns around our five core Values: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, Protect Our Planet. OUR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION We also have our own charity, The Body Shop Foundation. Launched in 1990 (registered charity no. 802757) we give financial support to pioneering, frontline organisations that otherwise have little hope of conventional funding. The Foundations focus is to assist those working to achieve  progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. These are their values as well as responsibilities. The employees of Body shop and the suppliers all use environmental friendly products and packaging to support the living earth. Task 4. Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate and make effective use of resources Resource allocation is used to assign the available resources in an economic way across the economy. This may be done at a regional level, Social strata based or on priority basis. Resource allocation can be studies under two broad heads This includes majority of resources that is used in today’s economy except some specific natural resources that are allocated to ensure an Oligopolistic or Monopolistic market. The economic systems attempt to distribute the available resources in an even manner through the price elasticity model. The price elasticity model proposes that demand and supply in the market will drive the cost of the resource. This is typically seen as below |High Demand – low Supply |High Prices | |Low Demand – High Supply |Low Prices | In the above cases, both demand and supply are relative to each others volumes. In a competitive market scenario, the requirement of products and services and its availability guides the prices of these resources. Given that Money by itself is a limited resource available to market forces, high prices of resources ensure optimized consumption of high priced resources. Once the resource prices are above the price of an alternative resource, market forces will start using the alternate resource as a main resource until such time that the prices of the original resource is again affordable  due to slowdown of demand. This is typically seen in the oil and gas business wherein some manufacturing organizations shift to alternative fuels like BP oil and residue oil in lieu of diesel fuel price rise. This model ensures that resources are optimally used by the economy and any steep increase in consumption is controlled through increased prices resulting in optimized allocation and effective use. allocation of some natural resources may not always take the same route as marketed resources. This is typically done by the government’s authorities to ensure lower prices of producers that reaches the consumers at large and to ensure availability of certain products to all and sundry of the population. Some very good examples of such resources are Irrigation Water supplied at subsidy to farmers, Coal allocation to Thermal power stations to ensure low electricity prices for consumers etc An economic system is consist of the several processes of organizing and motivating labour, manufacturing, allocating, and circulating of the results of human labour, including goods and services, consumer products, machineries, equipment’s, and other technology used as inputs to future manufacturing and the infrastructure within and through which manufacturing, circulation, and distribution occurs. There are three types of economic system which are generally accepted by the different nations. They are: Free market, centrally planned, mixed market. 1. Free market economic system: The interference of government is reserved at a lowest point or mistreated in open market system and all the finances assets comes under the private sectors as well market. Price mechanism will decide the amount of goods or services to be provided with respect to the market demands. The majority judgments are on the basis of market mechanism. The supply, demand and capability play the very important function in market  judgment making. According to observing at the open market operations it lifts a variety of unexplained questions like who will generate the goods and services and infrastructures for the country to congregate the requirements of the public. 2. Centrally planned economy system: Centrally planned economic system explains that government assigns the financial possessions; government initiates all the arrangement concerning the financial actions. Private sectors are held in reserve in distant in participation of any monetary gathering. These types of finances were establish in the Asian, central Europe, Eastern Europe and Latin American nations but now a days these are set up in Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea etc. In this structure fundamentally joblessness troubles will not be tackled because government organize all the monetary performances and possessions will be owed on the basis of requirements of its persons and dissimilar industries contribution. 3. Mixed economy system: This structure is a combination of all other structures. The organism where together capitalism and socialism monetary schemes are involved it is called as the mixed financial system. In this globalizing world largely the countries are acquiring this financial system. Mixed financial system divides the obtainable financial possessions accessible in the country to mutually private sectors and government. Task 5. Discuss the impact of social welfare and industrial policy initiatives on organizations and the wider community. The social welfare and industrial policy of a nation impacts not only the economy but also the larger community. |Social Welfare Policy |Health Policy | | |Housing Policy | | |Income maintenance Policy | | |Education Policy | | |Social Security | |Industrial Policy |Inflation control | | |Financial Market stability | | |Manufacturing boost for increase in employment rate | Health policy can be described as the judgment, plans, and measures that are commenced to attain specific health care goals within a society. There are many groupings of health guidelines, involving personal health care policy, pharmaceutical policy, and policies regarding health of public such as vaccination policy, tobacco control policy or breastfeeding promotion policy. They may envelop monetary subjects and liberation of health care, access to care, quality of care, and health equity. The contemporary theory of health care includes right of entry to medical professionals from different sections as well as medical technology, such as medications and surgical tools. It also includes easy access to the newest data and confirmation from research, comprising medical research and health services research. Public housing is a type of housing tenure in which the possession is hold by a government authority, which may be central or local. Social housing refers to leasing housing which may be possessed and controlled by the state, by non-profit firms, or by a mixture of the two, generally with the aspire of offering housing which could affordable. Education policy can be defined as the compilation of laws and regulations which manages and directs the functions of education systems. Education takes place in a lot of type for countless functions through several organizations. An example involves early childhood education, kindergarten from side to side to 12th grade, two and four year colleges or universities, graduate and professional education, adult education and job training. Consequently, education policy can straightly influence the educated persons involved of all ages. Income maintenance Policy is habitually functional due to several curriculums formulated to offer a residential with income at times when they are not able to take care of themselves. Income preservation is on the basis of a mixture of five major kinds of program: 1. Social insurance: 2. Means-tested benefits: 3. Non-contributory benefits:. 4. Discretionary benefits. 5. Universal or categorical benefits Social security a social insurance program given that social security or protection against socially renowned circumstances, involving scarcity, old age, disability, joblessness and others. Social security relates to a bunch of advantages obtainable (or not available) from the state, market, civil society and households, or through a grouping of these organizations, to the person/family to trim down multi-dimensional deprivation. The Industrial Policy plan of a country, from time to time condensed IP, is its official planned attempt to support the expansion and progress of the producing sector of the economy. A countrys infrastructure (transportation,  telecommunications and energy industry) is a main element of the industrialized sector that frequently has a main role in the Industrial Policy. Industrial strategies are division definite, unlike broader macroeconomic strategy. They are occasionally label as interventionist as conflicting to laissez-faire finances. Several kinds of industrial strategies comprise ordinary fundamentals with other kinds of interventionist exercises such as trade policy and fiscal policy. An example of a distinctive industrial policy is import-substitution-industrialization (ISI), where trade barriers are provisionally obligatory on a number of key sectors, such as manufacturing. By selectively securing some business, these business are provided moment in time to study (learning by doing) and improve. Task 6. Evaluate the impact of macro economic policy measures and the influence of the global economy on UK-based organizations and stakeholders. Macroeconomic policy instruments define the macroeconomic measures that can be straight away managed by an economic policy former. Instruments can be divided into two subsets: a) Monetary policy instruments and b) Fiscal policy instruments. Monetary policy is carried out by the Federal Reserve or the central bank of a country or supranational region. Fiscal policy is formulated by the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Government and contracts with supervising a nation’s Budget. 1) Monetary policy Monetary policy instruments comprise of directing short-term rates (Fed Funds and Discount rates in the U.S.), and altering reserve necessities for commercial banks. Monetary policy can be moreover extensive for the market (short-term rates low relative to inflation rate) or restraining for the  market (short-term rates high relative to inflation rate). Traditionally, the main purpose of monetary policy had been to direct or restrain domestic inflation. In recent times, central bankers have frequently paying attention on a second objective: running economic growth as both inflation and economic growth are highly interconnected. 2) Fiscal policy Fiscal policy comprises in supervision the national Budget and its investment so as to manipulate economic activity. This necessitates the growth or development of government expenses regarding particular government curriculum such as building roads or infrastructure, military expenditures and social welfare programs. It also involves the elevating of taxes to finance government expenses and the increase of debt (Treasuries in the U.S.) to meet both the ends (Budget deficit) between receipts (tax receipts) and expenses regarding the execution of government curriculum. Increasing taxes and lowering the Budget Deficit is considered to be a preventive fiscal policy, as it would decrease cumulative demand and slow down GDP growth. Reducing taxes and raising the Budget Deficit is measured as an outgoing fiscal policy that would enlarge collective demand and encourage the economy. The impact of macroeconomic policy measures On enlargement, there likely to be periods of strength follow by phase of weak or even negative growth (recessions), particularly known as the economic cycle. All governments have an objective of eradicating this cycle. They desire repeated, sensible expansion that never ignites price increments. Fresh governments have stimulated closer to this Goldilocks scenario. Become aware of that the growth rate has been over 2% without receiving out of hand for six years. Subsequent the bust/boom/bust of the early 80s/late 80s/early 90s, this is quite an accomplishment. Inflation has also been extraordinarily submissive by historical standards.  Subsequent the horribly inflationary 70s (peaked at 25%) and the near 10% figure ten years ago, RPIX has been growing at 3% pa or less for six years. The objective of full employment has efficiently been relegated to the history books. Unemployment reached one million in the 80s for the first time since the 30s, and then continued to reach 3 million (or 4 million, depending on the definition) within three years. Having said that, full employment does not mean that everyone has a job. It is a depressing reality of economic life that UK customers favor imported goods to those made in Britain. The degree of the current account deficit mainly depends, consequently, on how well we export our services. Unfortunately, services are not quite as exportable as goods, so the UK is constantly fighting a losing battle. Optimistically the modifications in technology, and our capability to utilize them, will permit us to enlarge our exports of services by sufficient in the future to permit for the deficit in goods. Some economists consider that there is no problem, since in a world of completely mobile capital; the UK no longer depends completely on their own pool of foreign reserves to compensate for its importation. These days, if you want something from overseas but you do not have the foreign currency, then immediately purchase it on the Foreign Exchange Markets. Due to the global characteristics of financial markets, the financial services industry is deeply prejudiced by worldwide monetary improvement. These financial connections to international markets are just one of the numerous conducts in which wider worldwide expansion influence the UK economy. Global economic developments For instance the current commotion in financial markets – also have a significant manner on the resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). Similar to the UK, in an open economy worldwide forces can affect the prices to rise and vary about its aim or goal temporarily, and also insert  instability into the real economy. We have observed growing oil and product costs determined by tough universal demand push up price rises in the UK and further main economies over the earlier period and couple of years. By distinction the fresh modifications and alterations in international financial market circumstances could decline demand situations in the UK and globally put forth descending pressure on price rises. These are all aspects we require to take into consideration in our attention rate judgment. Ultimately it is domestic monetary policy Not the state of the international economy, which will conclude the UK inflation rate. The challenge for the MPC consequently is to regulate interest rates to make sure that worldwide pressure does not generate lengthened and important divergence in price rises from its aim. Global economy affects UK inflation There are a broad diversity of conducts in which international economic expansion influence the UK economy and therefore manipulate our rate of price rises. The entire procedure of globalization has structural influence on the UK economy, comprising the influence on labor relocation. The prices of trade in goods and services are the first one has an impact. Imports account for approximately 30% of the value of goods and services directly and indirectly sold by UK business at residence and overseas. On the other hand, the prices of trade in manufactured merchandise will also reproduce the resources and power utilized in their produce, forming a supplementary indirect influence from product markets. The second channel of impact from the international economy is through demand. Tough expansion of demand, whether it derives at residence or overseas, permits the profit margins to develop and is pushed at an upward pressure on expenses, mainly when the economy is operating close to its capacity limits. By the similar token, weak demand exercises a dampening  impact on cost and price augmentation. Manipulating demand situations with the help of interest rates is one of the major means due to which the Monetary Policy Committee controls UK price rises. International economic expansion influence demand circumstances in the UK both directly and indirectly. The direct influence comes in the course of alteration in the demand for UK exports of goods and services, which make up approximately a quarter of the production of UK businesses on average. The significance of abroad demand diverges significantly among diverse sectors of the UK economy. Some manufacturing sectors sell a huge percentage of their production abroad, and for manufacturing industry as a total exports are approximately half the worth of production. In calculation to this export channel, there are also indirect financial connections in the course of which international economic circumstances can affect UK demand. The UK business society is extremely intercontinental, depicting our custom as a trading nation and the honesty and friendliness of our financial markets to abroad investment. A lot of UK businesses are branch of bigger worldwide groupings, which is probable to strengthen the compassion of their investment and other trade judgments to worldwide demand and profitability. In accumulation to these price and demand factors, there is a third method in which worldwide economic situations might also influence UK price rises, which is in the course of their influence on the pricing conditions. As businesses turn out to be further skilled and global in edge, some economists have disagreed that international circumstances have turn out to be more and more significant in influencing pricing actions, relation to domestic issues. As per this vision, the worldwide equilibrium of demand and supply and spirited forces on international markets may appear to have an important influence on cost in economies which are release to global business, such as the UK. The role of monetary policy In a world in which worldwide progress has a significant manner on UK price rises, monetary course of action should react in subsequent way. One ending you might illustrate from my conversation so far is that UK price rises will be deeply subjective by international upgrading. And however, in spite of the modifications we have observed in the worldwide market more than the decade, UK price rises has been low down and extraordinarily steady. Three major traditions in which financial guidelines can act as a factor to manipulate the price rises when the UK economy is batter by worldwide shocks. The first of these is the affect the interest rates on the exchange rate. The exchange rate is not straightly managed by financial policy. But financial policy has a significant impact. The interest rate discrepancy among diverse currency and the aspects, which are anticipated to manipulate its influence in currency markets due to their influence on the possible income to investors. If financial policy is constrict comparative to other countries, or is estimated to be constrict, this will be likely to push up the exchange rate in the next to time. Such an increase in the exchange rate should have a dampening influence on import cost augmentations, and can consequently answer an increase in worldwide price rises pressures. It also affects how eye-catching abroad markets are to exporters and consequently has a supplementary influence through the state of demand. The second way in which financial policy can contradict worldwide monetary forces is due to its influence on domestic demand expenditure by customers and investment by the private sector, both of which are exaggerated by interest rate alteration. Customer expenditure is the biggest single constituent of demand in the UK, and accounts for concerning 60% of domestic expenditure. A contraction in policy such as we have observed over the past year should have an important influence on the expansion of utilization, and therefore domestic demand. A third steady aspect is the reliability of financial policy and its  influence on cost prospect. If price raises prospect stay fast at or shut to the price rises goal, turbulence to the price rises pathway should demonstrate momentary, and it will be simpler for financial policy to be carried out a provisional shift in price rises. The duty of the MPC is now made simple by the practice of a decade and a half of low and steady price rises, which has assisted to fasten UK, price rises prospects. The impact and pass-through of the identified unconventional policy shocks should help to learn more about the extraordinary policy measures taken by central banks as a response to the financial turmoil. Some caution is, however, required. A caveat of the analysis is that the estimations are based on a sample period that covers the turbulent period on financial markets, as well as normal times. An implicit assumption is hence that the parameters did not change dramatically as a consequence of the crisis. In addition, the analysis only captures unconventional monetary policy to the extent that the measures influence the banking sector. Hence, a useful extension would be to also include direct lending of central banks in private markets in the analysis.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Religious Revelation in Carver’s Cathedral Essay -- Carver Cathedral E

  Ã‚   At first glance, one might assume Raymond Carver’s "Cathedral" illustrates the awakening of an insensitive and insulated husband to the world of a blind man. However, this literal awakening does not account for the fact that the husband awakens also to a world of religious insight, of which he has also been blind. The title and story structure are the first indicators of the importance of the religious thesis. It is also revealed when one examines the language and actions of the characters in the story. Finally, Carver’s previous and subsequent writings give an overall background for the argument that "Cathedral" has a significant religious import. The structural and technical features of the story point towards a religious epiphany. The title of the story, as well as its eventual subject, that of cathedrals, points inevitably towards divinity. Upon first approaching the story, without reading the first word of the first paragraph, one is already forced into thinking about a religious image. In addition, four of the story’s eleven pages (that amounts to one third of the tale) surround the subject of cathedrals. Adding to the obvious structural references to cathedrals and religion, the language and character actions present further evidence of an epiphany of divine proportions. The television program which the characters watch together deals entirely with cathedrals. This spurs the first real conversation between the narrator and the blind man. This presents religion as some form of common ground, on which one could stand, even without sight. When first asked by Robert, the blind man, if he was "in any way religious," the narrator asserts that he is not, and goes on to explain how cathedrals and religion "don’t mean any... ... the eyes of a blind man, but also to appreciate the world through the eyes of a man of God. Works Cited/Consulted Bethea, Arthur F. "Carver’s ‘Wes Hardin: From a Photograph’ and ‘A Small Good Thing.’" The Explicator. Spring 1999. 176-178. Bethea, Arthur F. "Carver’s ‘Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?’" The Explicator. Spring 1998: 132-134. Carver, Raymond. "Cathedral." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. 1052-1062. Nesset, Kirk. "Insularity and Self-Enlargement in Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral.’" Essays in Literature. March 22, 1994: 116. Stull Williams. "Beyond Hopelessville: Another Side of Raymond Carver." Philological Quarterly. 1985: 1-15. Verley, Claudine. "Narration and Interiority in Raymond Carver’s ‘Where I’m Calling From.’" Journal of the Short Story in English 13. 1989: 91-102.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Culture Area/Region Essay

Quebec is Canadian province found in the central part of the country. It is a unique region in the country as it has the only predominantly French-speaking people, wherein the official language is French. It is Canada’s largest province in terms of land area, and is the second most populated province (Historical Foundation of Canada, 2008). Because of this, the region possesses a very interesting and distinctive culture. It has distinctive culture because of several factors. These factors, including language ties and religious ties, are the main reasons which have kept Quebec a tightly knit place. Quebec’s Language Ties The time period during which Quebec’s language ties were established was from the end of 1960s to the 70s. In the fall of 1969 the National Assembly of Quebec issued the Bill 63 which aims to promote the French language all over the region. The bill also promoted the teaching of French language even in English schools, as well giving the immigrants the chance to learn the language by offering them French classes. Through this, the immigrants are able to blend in or integrate into the Quebec environment (Belanger, 2000a). There was however, a problem which came with this Bill. Instead of promoting the language, it seemed that it was guaranteeing all of Quebec the right to choose the language of instruction for their children. This is because it gave the people the freedom of choice, especially of parents, to send their children to English schools. This is against the linguistic policy for promoting French, which the local Quebecers agreed upon. So, as the number of Anglophones (English-speaking) and Allophones (a mother tongue other than English or French) increased rapidly in Quebec, the dominance of the French language was potentially threatened. This was also in line with the rapidly decreasing number of Francophone (French-speaking) Quebecers being born each year (Beaudin, Boudreau, & Benedetti, 2006). Because of the result of this Bill, there was a need to study the status of the French language in the province, and come 1974, the Bill 22 was issued, making French their official language. Bill 22 was passed and was adopted by the National Assembly of Quebec in ’74, making French the official language in Quebec. The government supervised the application of the Bill, and mandated that all of the public institutions present had to address the public administration in French, making it the official language in contracts, forcing corporations to change their names into French names (Belanger, 2000a). Schools during this time were given the freedom of choice for any of the language to be used for instruction, but the entrance to English schools are only for the children who had a prior knowledge of English. This means that all the Anglophones would be able to go to these English schools. This assured the coexistence of French and English languages, yet maintaining French as the official language. At present, nothing can challenge the preeminent French language in Quebec, as it is one of their defining characteristic of their distinctive culture. Every people of Quebec share the objective of preserving and developing their French culture, and one way is to preserve their French language. The language has become the language of the public, using it to communicate with everyone, all over the province. The number of bilingual Francophone, Allophone, and Anglophone Quebecers has increased throughout the years, enabling them to fully participate in any affairs of the province. Businesses were conducted mostly in French in the province, making their culture flourish even more. The Francophone Quebecers have shown openness to others, as they felt secured with their own language and culture. Quebecers have a strong sense to protect their cultural heritage, and it is manifested by their efforts to preserve their language. They accepted and readily learned English language because for them, it is not a threat that they must do away with. This is the confidence that Quebecers possessed; no matter what happens, whatever language gets introduced in the province, they have proven that their language ties with their native French tongue is so strong, it is unbreakable. Quebec’s Religious Ties The time period during which some important aspects of Quebec’s religious ties were established was from the 1850s to the early 1900s. Looking back in history, when France colonized Canada, it also brought its religion, and spread Roman Catholicism all over the lands, reaching one of the largest provinces of Canada which is Quebec. After several years of religious ups and downs, as well as the emergence of other religious teachings everywhere, the Christian faith started to grow not only in the province but in all of Canada (Belanger, 2000b). In this period, Quebec experienced the rise of power and the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church in the province. It has rose in great levels, and this is partly because of the increasing influence of the Church to the people, as the number of religious congregations in the province multiplied indefinitely. Many classical colleges were also established, wherein almost half of the graduates enters priesthood. But despite all this, there were still those who opposed, and have continually struggles to convince the French Quebecers. These were the Liberals and the Ultramontanes, people who have radical liberal ideology that remained present and strong for a long period of time, though in the end, they were to loose and succumb to Christianity (Belanger, 2000b). The Church gained many privileges in Quebec, including full guarantees to confessional schools, since the only schools permitted in Quebec at that time were these kinds of schools. The civil registries of the province were kept by the Church, allowing the religious marriage as the only form of marriage acceptable. Church corporations were given the privilege of not paying taxes, and the tithe was given legal sanctions. Generally speaking, the Catholic Church of Quebec was totally in control of education, public services like health and sanitation, and even their charitable institutions. At that time, the church had become in practice, the State. The following years marked the triumph of the Church. Christianization was promoted to the masses, where network of catholic groups were established in different parts of the province. This was also the time when Christianization was wished through mass media, establishing catholic newspapers, and the Church even ran a network of theatres in Church basements. With this kind of grounding in religion, Quebec developed tightly-knit religious ties all over the region, and they were recognized as a very unique province because it is overwhelmingly unified when it comes to religion. It is dominated by Roman Catholic Quebecers, and this can be attributed or be considered as a legacy of the colonial times, where France brought in the religion. Just like language, the religious ties are well related and closely associated to that of their colonizer. This proves that their religion was preserved well and has already endured hundreds of years of changes and reforms. References: Beaudin, M. , Boudreau, R. , & Benedetti, G. D. (2006). New Canadian Perspectives The Socio-economic Vitality of Official Language Communities. Retrieved June 2, 2008, from http://www. canadianheritage. gc. ca/progs/lo-ol/perspectives/english/dyna/p3_p2. htm Belanger, C. (2000a). The Language Laws of Quebec. Retrieved June 2, 2008, from http://faculty. marianopolis. edu/c. belanger/QuebecHistory/readings/langlaws. htm Belanger, C. (2000b). The Roman Catholic Church and Quebec. Retrieved June 2, 2000, from http://faculty. marianopolis. edu/c. belanger/quebechistory/readings/church. htm Historical Foundation of Canada. (2008). Quebec. Retrieved 2008, June 2, from http://www. thecanadianencyclopedia. com/index. cfm? PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0006591

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Implications on Psychology of the Article Essay

Implications on Psychology of the Article â€Å"Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Competence† It was argued by Trimble (2003) that psychological constructs and studies should not be analyzed and taken in apart from a view on culture and ethnic background. The proposition had its strengths; however its absolute disqualification of psychological findings, made seemingly without regard to cultural differences, left much to be said. Among others, one of the article’s weaknesses was that although it spoke of cross-cultural studies and placed emphasis on the correct assessment of culture’s effects on psychological constructs, there was a marked focus mainly on North American culture (Trimble, 2003). Caucasians and cultural minorities in the United States were the main population regarded as evidence of the negativity of unfounded generalizations regarding the universality of principles. Seeing as the field of psychology was being attacked as being ethnocentric with its lack of attention to other ethnicities, Trimble also reflected the same ethnocentrism with its failure to take note of local studies conducted in other countries which were the actual home of the ‘other cultures’ that were being championed. The article attacked the unquestioned generalization of established psychological constructs with the presumption that the same are applicable to all persons since humans are basically the same. The role of cultural practices and the effect of cultural differences is not taken into consideration in the application of psychological concepts. Manners of methodology were targeted as a means of unifying indigenous concepts to form a universal store of psychology. However, there was no mention of the current practice or methods applied by psychologists conducting research. It is important to note how research methodologies are done as the same are the basis for clinical practices and even academic discussions in psychology. One specific practice in research is to describe the subject population being studied. This description serves to affirm the interactive culture that participants are exposed to everyday, although it is admitted that the descriptions rarely reflect the ethnic culture background of participants. However, using the definition of culture employed in the article as quoted from Brown in his 1991 book, the latter interactive backgrounds of the participants described in research reports was more reflective of culture as learned and not simply genetically transmitted (Trimble, 2003). It is also to be noted that the article focused its criticisms largely on cognitive, physiological, and evolutionary psychology perspectives, failing to take into account the largely cultural approach of perspectives such as behavioral psychology. Also, the criticisms revolved around the clinical practice of psychologists and the therapist-patient relationship. However, in the remedies suggested the focus was largely on the methodology in conducting researches. There was thus a gap in the parallelism of the problems and solutions presented. It should be admitted however that although the article failed to fully comprehend the nature of the discipline that is psychology, it also made some valid arguments against processes of research in the field. It cannot be refuted that foundational psychological concepts, and even novel concepts resulting from foundational psychological perspectives, are applied to different populations with little regard to whether the same are applicable to the cultural context. The universality of concepts has thus been more a top-down process rather than a conclusion formation considering local conclusions reached by individual communities. There should be a trend towards this same diagram of universalizing concepts. The fundamental question of research methods – not simply methodology in report which was discussed earlier – was also a valid question. Given the variations in communication and interaction in differing cultures, there arises a shift in the manner of drawing information from participants in order to achieve the most truthful self analyses, report, and presentation in researches conducted. When the article presumes however that the bottom-up process of universalizing concepts is largely non-existent in the field of psychology, it is mistaken. The United States is not the only country involved in psychological research and indigenous studies of psychology have already begun in countries outside of America. This is of greater relevance than the lack of the same in cultural minorities within the United States. The limited scope of the article’s focus with regard to cultural groups failed to consider this. However, the article was correct in analyzing the influence of language in the development of indigenous psychologies. Although it was correct in this, it failed to extend its analysis on the manner of interpretation of established psychological constructs in local psychological studies. It is an established practice in research reporting to define and operationalize different variables studied and taken into consideration. Thus, in some studies it was evident that although the same nomenclature was used there was a marked difference in interpretation of the same. Most often the differences in interpretation resulted from the different observations made of cultural practices. The process of generalizing inherent behaviors in particular cultures was thus already present in the mere interpretation of already established nomenclature.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Mesopotamia And Egypt

Mesopotamia and Egypt Civilization The two earliest settlements and ways of life were the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians. The geographical, environmental, and political conditions, and their religious beliefs and laws, are believed to have been the by-product of the conditions under which both great civilizations developed. The geographical and environmental condition of Mesopotamia and Egypt affects how they were civilized. Mesopotamia is the name that means between the rivers (pg.8). Two rivers, the Tigris River, and Euphrates River surround Mesopotamia (Pg 8). The land of Mesopotamia is flat and plain. â€Å"The upland region of the north receives most of the rainfall, but the soil is th8in and poor. In the south the soil is fertile, but rainfall is almost nonexistent.† The Mesopotamians settled south part of Mesopotamia because of the fertile soil there and the water resource from the river provided a better agriculture. Egypt is also referred to as â€Å"The Gift of The Nile†, because the Nile valley has a fertile soil (Pg.14). â€Å"Egypt knew only two environments: the fertile Nile Valley and the vast wastes of Sahara Desert surrounding it†. The Egyptian settled by Nile River because of the fertile soil. The politics and society condition of Mesopotamia and Egypt affected how they were civilized. The land of Mesopotamia was flat and plan so therefore people were afraid to be attacked from outsiders. That’s why the Mesopotamians build wall around their cities. â€Å"Within the walls of the city, men and women developed new technologies and new social and political structures. They created cultural traditions such as writing and literature.† As for Egypt didn’t have to build walled cities because they had a great protection from the Sahara desert (Pg.14). As the cities of Mesopotamia begin to develop, a class of status came with it. The first places were the rulers and kings who were powerful and feared, af... Free Essays on Mesopotamia And Egypt Free Essays on Mesopotamia And Egypt Mesopotamia and Egypt Civilization The two earliest settlements and ways of life were the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians. The geographical, environmental, and political conditions, and their religious beliefs and laws, are believed to have been the by-product of the conditions under which both great civilizations developed. The geographical and environmental condition of Mesopotamia and Egypt affects how they were civilized. Mesopotamia is the name that means between the rivers (pg.8). Two rivers, the Tigris River, and Euphrates River surround Mesopotamia (Pg 8). The land of Mesopotamia is flat and plain. â€Å"The upland region of the north receives most of the rainfall, but the soil is th8in and poor. In the south the soil is fertile, but rainfall is almost nonexistent.† The Mesopotamians settled south part of Mesopotamia because of the fertile soil there and the water resource from the river provided a better agriculture. Egypt is also referred to as â€Å"The Gift of The Nile†, because the Nile valley has a fertile soil (Pg.14). â€Å"Egypt knew only two environments: the fertile Nile Valley and the vast wastes of Sahara Desert surrounding it†. The Egyptian settled by Nile River because of the fertile soil. The politics and society condition of Mesopotamia and Egypt affected how they were civilized. The land of Mesopotamia was flat and plan so therefore people were afraid to be attacked from outsiders. That’s why the Mesopotamians build wall around their cities. â€Å"Within the walls of the city, men and women developed new technologies and new social and political structures. They created cultural traditions such as writing and literature.† As for Egypt didn’t have to build walled cities because they had a great protection from the Sahara desert (Pg.14). As the cities of Mesopotamia begin to develop, a class of status came with it. The first places were the rulers and kings who were powerful and feared, af...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Make Your Own Cookbook in 5 Simple Steps

How to Make Your Own Cookbook in 5 Simple Steps How to Publish a Cookbook in 5 Easy Steps So you’ve been blogging about your favorite recipes? Maybe you have always loved cooking, and mentally amend the dishes you eat when you go to restaurants? Perhaps you’ve been racking up quite a following on Instagram with your â€Å"how to make† videos. If any of these describe you, there’s a good chance you’ve also thought that it might be time to step your love of food up a notch, and make your own cookbook. Tips for writing a cookbook: People always want to buy a cookbook, even when the market's down. Food and Drink is one of non-fiction’s hottest genres: as award-winning food stylist and editor Ashley Strickland Freeman says, â€Å"People will always want to buy a cookbook - even when the market is down. Everyone's got to eat and there is just something about holding and flipping through a beautiful cookbook to get you inspired.† As a result, it’s a crowded and highly competitive market - so you need to make sure that you really put your best whisk forward as you get ready to publish.So if you’ve been struck by culinary genius, or simply have an idea for a cookbook simmering away: preheat your oven, assemble your ingredients, and grab a pen. We’re here to help you get the ball of dough rolling by explaining the steps to make your own cookbook.Step 1: Nail down the what, why, and who of your cookbookStart your cookbook by connecting the dots between these three aspects: the type of cookbook, the reason you should write it, and who will read it. Once you’ve nailed down those basics, you should be able to complete this sentence:.So for instance: â€Å"Vegans will enjoy The Oh She Glows Cookbook, because it offers recipes that will help them develop their plant-based cooking skills.† Or: â€Å"Beginner cooks will enjoy Martha Stewart's Cooking School, because it offers a culinary masterclass for chefs-to-be who are just getting started in the kitchen.† Read on to find out how to start your cookbook by nailing down it's concept, goal, and audience. In other words, you need to know the what, why, and who of your cookbook. Now let’s get cooking!What kind of cookbook should you make?Just as a novel has a plot and belongs to a genre, cookbooks also need a story, a concept, an angle, a shtick - whatever you want to call it. So first and foremost, you need to establish the type of cookbook you want to write.Comprehensive Offers large varieties of recipes from beginner level to advanced, and is meant to act as an all-encompassing resource on the subject - such as Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything.50 Book Marketing Ideas Every Author Needs to Know Read post What about marketing?Perhaps the most challenging part of self-publishing is getting people to buy your books. Thankfully, there is a wealth of book marketing knowledge that authors can tap into when formulating their plan.One thing that indie cookbook authors should bear in mind is the fact that they will have a lot of opportunities for creating content. Unique recipes paired with professional-grade photography (which you can take from your book) should help you pitch guest posts to other sites - and keep subscribers to your mailing list engaged.If you’re still not quite sure which publishing path is for you, check out our quiz: Should You Self-Publish or Traditionally Publish? Tips on publishing a cookbook: show how your cookbook is different from what's already out there. Food made with love always tastes better. The above steps can help you translate this passion to the page, and get your recipes ready to share with the world of readers and cooks out there. If you’re looking for more information on making and publishing your own cookbook, enroll in our free, ten-day course: How to Turn Your Cookbook Idea into a Reality.Happy cooking and writing!Are you an aspiring or experienced cookbook writer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

MGMT 4420 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT 4420 - Essay Example It is good for Candlelight to upgrade the skills of the employees so that they will be able to improve their operations. I believe that it is necessary to do so because some employees will be relocated to other areas in the event that this competitor is acquired. Given such a situation, the interpersonal skills of the employees such as communication have to be improved so that they can express their ideas freely. This helps to reduce conflicts which can negatively affect their performance. I believe that the management of Candlelight, Inc should make an effort to include the ideas of talented employees when they make decisions that affect the operations of the organisation as a whole. Employees must be given the opportunity to contribute towards the decision making process so that they can feel as important to the organization. There will be more chances that their performance will improve if they have a sense of belonging to the organization. It can be noted that this strategy can promote organisational growth since their skills will be upgraded to meet the changes taking place in the business environment. On the other hand, the employees can have a common understanding of what will be expected of them in the organization. I am convinced that the human resources management have a big role to play when it comes to improving the performance of the employees. In this particular case, I would advise the leaders of Candlelight, Inc, to adopt the democratic participatory style since it gives all the employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas in the decisions made. As suggested by Carrel (376), if employees are treated as valuable assets to the organisation, they will put maximum effort in their operations which helps in improving their performance. I believe that constant development of the employees will improve their morale which is very

Thursday, October 31, 2019

In What Way, According to Rousseau, is Humanity Perverse Essay

In What Way, According to Rousseau, is Humanity Perverse - Essay Example In these regards, Rousseau points to a number of pre-Enlightenment collectives, such as the Germanic tribes, that, he believes, were able to function in a more harmonious state as a result of their proximity to natural human instincts. German philosopher Immanuel Kant considered many of the same aspects of human nature and Enlightenment similar to Rousseau. There are varying degrees to which Kant’s celebration of the Enlightenment is inconsistent with Rousseau’s view of the perversity of humanity. Kant’s celebration of the Enlightenment is, perhaps, most inconsistent with Rousseau’s views on the perversity of humanity in terms of the beneficial social gain achieved in the move from the Medieval Ages to the Renaissance. It has been demonstrated that Rousseau rejects blanket assertions of this move as being an indictor or social progress as to an extent he believes that it perverts the natural state of humanity. This is contrasted with Kant’s perspect ive on Enlightenment as a clear and direct means of humanity absolving itself from its immaturity. Consider Kant’s writing, â€Å"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another† (Kant, p. 45). To a large extent, the inconsistency between Kant and Rousseau’s perspective here can be linked to notions of intellectual modernism. While Kant has embraced the idea that intellectual and social progress operate on a linear path of enlightenment, Rousseau has resisted this concept, contending instead that it is oftentimes possible for ostensible social progress to be a perversion of humanity’s natural... This essay has examined Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s conception of human perversity. It has further considered the extent that Rousseau’s perspective on human perversity is inconsistent with Kant’s celebration of the Enlightenment. In these contexts of understanding, it’s argued that the main inconsistency between the perspectives is in terms of micro and macro-scales of thought. On an individual scale, Rousseau rejects the Enlightenment as pure progress, while Kant embraces it as an escape for immaturity. Conversely, on a large-scale, both theorists recognize that in rejecting divine sovereignty, society can be entrusted with achieving self-governance through the social contract and categorical imperative. While Rousseau and Kant disagree on the blanket nature of social progress as achieved through the Enlightenment, to a degree it’s clear that Rousseau’s perspective on the social contract and Kant’s perspective on social mores are consist ent. The divergence in understanding between Kant and Rousseau’s perspectives on human perversion and social progress are evident when considered from a larger scale.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Marketing Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Marketing Environment - Assignment Example Brands. Yum which was started by Pepsico Inc. is a major franchise with such names as Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dong Fang Ji Bai and A & W restautrants. Its main operation strategy has been to establish a franchise (Cyrek, 2009). Franchising is using another firm’s successful business strategy to develop one’s business. The brand of one company is therefore used to sell by another according to a business agreement between the two (Anttonen, 2005). Just like Yum, Subway is a franchise. The main deifference is that wherass Yum offers a variety of services, Subway specializes in fast foods, with sandwiches as their main product. This specialization has given Subway an edge since it is easily identified with the sandwich which is its main widely recognized product. In a way it is the swift expansion program that worked to Yum’s advantage, yet presently they don’t seem to have anywhere else to expand to, since their company has saturated its primary US, European and Asian market (Subway, 2008). Subway still enjoys a lot of room for expansion especially to the newly emergent Chinese market. Marketing the sandwich is therefore a process that will keep expanding for subway in the near future. But the biggest key advantage Subway has is in its name, they mainly market their products in subways with passengers who just find the product very convenient to grab on the way to their destinations (Subway, 2008). Products such as sandwiches do well in markets where people have a relatively high disposable income. A busy environment in which people have tight work schedules that does not give them the extra time to cook for themselves also suffices. Subways which serve customers on transit are quite strategic for selling sandwiches too just as explained above. The main trends that affect the business is economic recession such as the one which started in 2007. Sandwiches may be delicious, but they are classified as luxuries and are thus